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Federal Politics

'Extreme vetting': White House says Trump will honour Malcolm Turnbull's US refugee deal

New York: The Trump White House has publicly confirmed they will honour a deal struck by the Obama administration to take refugees from Australia's offshore detention centres, but said any people considered by the United States for resettlement would be subject to "extreme vetting".

Mr Trump's press secretary, Sean Spicer, made the comments in a press conference on Tuesday afternoon in Washington, just days after a phone call took place between Prime Malcolm Turnbull and the new president.

Asked a question about the deal by a journalist from the ABC, Mr Spicer confirmed the deal would "go forward". 

"Part of the deal is they have to be vetted in the same manner that we are doing now. There will be extreme vetting applied to all of them," he said.

"That is part and parcel of the deal that was made. It was made by the Obama administration with the full backing of the United States government."

He continued: "The President, in accordance with that deal, to honour what had been agreed upon by the United States government, and ensuring that that vetting will take place, in the same manner that we're doing now, will go forward."

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said the refugee deal with Australia would go ahead.  Photo: AP

There were fears that a recent executive order signed by Mr Trump, placing a temporary ban on refugees entering the United States as well as travel restrictions for people from seven Muslim-majority countries, would prevent the asylum seekers from being accepted for resettlement.

Mr Spicer did not take a follow-up question on the deal and gave no detail on how many of the approximately 2000 people held on Nauru and Manus Island could be accepted by the United States, nor did he elaborate on the process of "extreme vetting" that would take place.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Minister for Immigration Peter Dutton at a press conference in Canberra on Monday. Photo: Mick Tsikas

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