Tale as old as time! Ariana Grande and John Legend make final Beauty And The Beast trailer magical with iconic duet

It's almost time to be their guest! 

And the final Beauty and the Beast trailer failed to disappoint fans itching to see more scenes from the highly anticipated live action Disney film. 

The trailer starts out with the iconic intro scene of the beloved animated film, as Belle leaves her house on the way into the 'provincial' town in which she lives. 

Be our guest! The final trailer for the highly anticipated Beauty and the Beast live action film runs through many recognizable and iconic scenes from the original animated version

Bonjour! The trailer starts out with Belle leaving her house on the way into the 'provincial' town in which she lives

It then flashes to a scene of Belle reading books to the kids in her village, while her father Maurice, played by Kevin Klein says: 

'My dear Belle, you are so ahead of your time. This is a small village. And it's small-minded as well. But small also means safe.'

Audiences get a glimpse into the narcissistic mind of Gaston, played by Luke Evans, as he looks into the mirror, gasping: 'You are the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. Nobody deserves you'

Avid reader: Belle is seen teaching the children in her village how to read

Loves himself: Luke Evans plays vain and narcissistic Gaston in the live action film 

As fans of the original Disney movie already know, Maurice then gets lost in the woods and is taken prisoner by the beast. 

The sequence of events remains mainly in the proper order throughout the trailer with scenes of Belle coming upon the castle while searching for her father. 

As she enters the big wooden doors, we get to see Dan Stevens in all his beastly glory as he steps into the light to a terrified Belle. 

True to the film: The sequence of events in the trailer remain mainly in the proper order with scenes of Belle coming upon the castle while searching for her father

First glance: Belle is terrified when she first sets eyes on the Beast

Cogsworth (played by Ian McKellan), Lumiere (Ewan McGregor) and Mrs. Potts (Emma Thompson) all make appearances in the trailer. 

'What happens when the last petal falls?' Belle innocently asks as she gazes at the iconic rose. 

 Lumiere answers: 'The master remains a beast forever.

 'And we become antiques,' Cogsworth adds. 

Dan Stevens shows off his acting chops with scenes of the beast yelling for Belle to leave before eventually saving her from the pack of wolves. 

Heroic moment: Everything changes the moment the beast saves Belle from a pack of wolves

Things start to change once Belle nurses the Beast back to health after his heroic moment in the woods

Connecting: The two connect over books as time goes on while Belle remains 'prisoner' in the castle 

Something there? The two start to question their feelings for each other as more songs play in the background

In the next flash, Belle is nursing the beast back to health and the two strike up an unlikely romance. 

Ariana Grande and John Legend start to sing the magical song made famous by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson as Belle and Beast start to fall in love. 

The trailer features Belle wearing her iconic yellow ballgown as the two dance to the sounds of Ariana Grande and John Legend singing in harmony. 

The scene! The trailer features Belle wearing her iconic yellow ballgown as the two dance to the sounds of Ariana Grande and John Legend singing in harmony

Tale as old as time! Belle and Beast fall in love as they twirl around the dance floor

A quick montage of gorgeous scenes from the film finish off the trailer, including dancing, marching, and an army of civilians going off to battle the beast.

The trailer ends with the title card coming up while Ariana and John belt out'Beauty and the Beast.'

The first teaser for the film broke all viewing records on the day it was released - even surpassing Star Wars: The Force Awakens - with 91 million people watching.

Jealous: In a montage at the end of the trailer Gaston wages war on the Beast for stealing Belle from him

Never going to happen: Gaston makes his affections for Belle known, but they are not reciprocated

Not to disappoint the film's huge following, the new remake also reportedly features every song from the original, including Something There - as well as three new tracks written by the same composer, Alan Menken.

The live-action remake of the 1991 Disney classic, directed by Bill Condon, is set for release in March 2017, and the exciting first trailer was released last month. 

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