Chinmayi Sripaada


Singer / CEO Blue Elephant / Linguist / VO Artiste / Erstwhile RJ & TV Host Fortune/US State Dept Alumna RT ≠ endorsement

Unit: agost de 2007

@Chinmayi està blocat

Segur que vols veure aquests tuits? No es desblocarà @Chinmayi per mirar-te'ls.

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    The problem in equating the struggle for freedom/equality/values with a person is that the idea gets tainted when the person does.

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    Great balls of fire: the truth about Scotland's mysterious flash of light

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  5. Kalyana Vaibhogame releases tomorrow. Wishing only success to Nandini ji and Kalyan garu

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    Contest is open for five days starting today and one winner will be chosen everyday. Head to the fb page for further details

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    If only nature would find a way to cover these oranges so we didn't need to waste so much plastic on them.

  8. Full flight. Everyone jumping out of their seats to exit. Now gonna watch everyone stand in uncomfy positions until the doors are opened 😝

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    Dark Things contest. Head over to fb for more details and participate!!

    Aquest tuit no està disponible.
  10. Aquest tuit no està disponible.
  11. Jawani jaaneman is playing in my head. Hmmm.

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    Winner of the State Award in Agriculture, P. Prasanna is a role model for women aspiring to become farmers

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    we don't say anything cause we already feel like outsiders and we need our PIs and colleagues for references

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    Guys in her lab become dads, dependability doesn't change or goes up cause they have to be provided at now... It's like..wait..what?!

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    My best friend, also a , got preggy & her dependability score on annual review from PI went from 9 to 3 can't count on you anymore

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    Silent message to all Zoom image to understand,wonderful campaign by World Food Organisation

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    Asking for a friend: does anyone know of any NGO/school in that's hiring for part time jobs?

  18. Why isn’t Irom Sharmila heard yet? Is she asking for something thats not legit?

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