Резултати претраге
  1. пре 12 сати

    protest at Texas A&M University. These amazing individuals are definitely woke.

  2. пре 13 сати
  3. пре 12 сати

    because she stood up for the Constitution.

  4. пре 11 сати
  5. пре 13 сати

    How Americans are seeing Sally Yates right now.

  6. пре 21 минута
  7. пре 53 минута

    Facebook post from a friend of mine: "Why is my America not Trump's America?"

  8. пре 1 сата
  9. пре 2 сата
  10. пре 2 сата

    Chaos is not a governing tool. Trump's Muslim ban puts America's security at risk.

  11. пре 2 сата
  12. пре 3 сата

    Call your Senators & tell them to delay ' confirmation vote! 202-224-3121

  13. пре 3 сата

    you can't support LGBTQ people if you advance a white supremacist platform.

  14. пре 3 сата
  15. пре 4 сата

    President Roosevelt defined patriotism and embodies it. Kudos to AG Yates for opposing the

  16. пре 7 сати

    Does her job - gets fired. Bullying of the highest order.

  17. пре 9 сати

    About to board plane to NYC, but can hear the loud chants of the protesters at LAX. Resist + Oppose! No justice, no peace!

  18. пре 10 сати

    Gotta know when to "Just Say No!" Sally Yates did, and she was right.

  19. пре 11 сати
  20. пре 11 сати

    Immigrants are ! Powerful artwork by Brooklyn-based Nigerian artist .

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