If you're using a VPN app to secure your smartphone — maybe to download torrents, maybe to make your online banking a little more safe — then chances are, it's not doing what it pretends to. A paper co-authored by CSIRO's data science arm examined nearly 300 Android VPN apps and found that almost all of them leak some kind of user traffic data.


There are two things certain in life - death, and the insatiable curiosity of those with all the world's information at their fingertips. But does punching your vitals into an online "Death Clock" really give you an indication of when your time will be up?

No. No, it doesn't. Don't be a numpty.


Pack warning labels are motivating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smokers to quit smoking, according to new research released by Menzies School of Health Research today.

The study has shown that graphic warning labels not only motivate quit attempts, but increase Indigenous smokers' awareness of the health issues caused by smoking.


Ever searched for an app you want to download, only to find a gazillion fake versions? Other than ripping off the original developers, these copies could be on the hunt for something more malicious than your sweet in-app purchase dollars - your personal information.


Josh Smith is an aerial photographer with a message, and a mission - how can everyday Australians learn more about the work that goes into food production in our country? How can he best show the scale and beauty of what they do with our land?

The answer, he hopes, are these images - which also help to show the farmers themselves the striking beauty of what they are working with.


Channel Zero: Candle Cove, the first instalment of Syfy's Creepypasta-inspired anthology show, has been relentlessly, wonderfully terrifying. — that is, until its finale. But even though it didn't quite stick the landing, the show took viewers on a unique, dread-filled journey to get there, one any horror fan should take.


It's not unusual to find decent discounts on expensive tech gear. In fact, we'd say you're a bit of a chump if you buy anything at its retail price in Australia.

When you do see a good discount, though, don't automatically presume it's going to be the best possible deal that you'll get.


It's a new year — time for a fresh start, and some fresh tech for work or uni.

Laptops are becoming increasingly versatile, powerful and thinner. The market is flooded with options and it can be tricky to pick what will be right for you.

That's where the specs come in. If you're not quite sure what all those letters and numbers mean, here are the most important ones.