No red carpet for Trump while travel ban continues, urges London Mayor

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has renewed his opposition to Donald Trump’s state visit, saying protesters would be likely to continue to take to the streets after the US President’s arrival.

His comments came after Prime Minister Theresa May faced renewed pressure to toughen her stance on the tycoon and tens of thousands of demonstrators flooded city streets across the UK over the US travel ban.

The Mayor called on Mr Trump to think again about his decision to close US borders to a host of Muslim-majority nations.

He told the Press Association: “As close friends of America, as somebody who boasts of having a special relationship, we shouldn’t be scared of saying boo to a goose. We should say to our close friends ‘You’ve got this wrong’.

“While the ban is in place we should not be rolling out the red carpet, we should not be having a state visit and the offer of a state visit should be rescinded.

“I’ve heard the views of Londoners loudly and clearly over the last few days … The Government should take heed.”

Sadiq Khan

Asked whether he expected people to protest again during the state visit, Mr Khan said: “The reality is we’ve got a rich history of peaceful protest. We’ve got a rich history of people expressing their views, either by signing petitions or turning up on the streets to protest peacefully.

“I don’t expect that to change.”

Speaking before attending a meeting with film industry leaders, Mr Khan said “London has been a beacon of tolerance, respect and diversity for centuries now”.

President Trump's ban on refugees and immigrants from certain countries is shameful and cruel. The USA has a proud...

Posted by Mayor of London on Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mr Khan also told reporters he was “optimistic” that there would not be a state visit while the ban is in place.

But he said of the possibility of protests during the state visit: “I would encourage my fellow citizens to make their views known peacefully, loudly and clearly.”

Downing Street has stood firm on the decision to extend an invitation to Mr Trump, saying: “We look forward to hosting the president later this year.”

Protests have taken place in cities including London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Manchester and Birmingham.

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