'It won't be like Charlene's wedding dress': Kylie Minogue talks about her nuptials with Joshua Sasse as she says her bridal gown will be nothing like the famous 80s Neighbours creation

Neighbours fans were sent into a frenzy when Charlene [Kylie Minogue] married Scott [Jason Donovan] on the iconic show in the 80s. 

But now planning her own real-life wedding to fiancé Joshua Sasse, 29, Kylie , 48, says she's not inspired by her alter-ego's fashion sense.

In a pre-recorded interview shown on This Morning on Tuesday, the pop star said: 'I'm taking no inspiration from Charlene's wedding dress. 

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'It won't be like Charlene's wedding dress': Kylie Minogue talked about her nuptials with Joshua Sasse as she says her bridal gown will be nothing like the famous Neighbours creation

Queen! Her words came as she discussed her evolutionary style during a pre-recorded chat on This Morning shown on Tuesday

'It was of the time. We laugh about it now. But I have to say, the gyp flowers she wore in her hair. I don't mind those if they are done properly.'

The stunner also said she has suffered many a fashion fail over the years, which have all been played out in the public eye. 

She continued: 'It's all a bit embarrassing, but it's part of the journey of discovering who you are and what your style is.'

Poking fun: In a pre-recorded interview shown on This Morning on Tuesday, the pop star said: 'I'm taking no inspiration from Charlene's wedding dress

Lovebirds: Kylie is engaged to be married to toyboy Joshua Sasse - pictured in December together - but she has her own ideas of her wedding style

While she's well known for her glamorous stage outfits, Kylie said it's not the case when she's chilling out at home. 

She said: 'I am the complete opposite. I am 50 shades of comfortable. I need both though. It suits my personality.' 

Kylie also said that she's tired of the celebrity trend of only ever wearing an outfit once. 

She continued: 'It's all a bit embarrassing, but it's part of the journey of discovering who you are and what your style is'

She said: 'I come from a time where it was acceptable to do that. God forbid you should keep wearing the same thing. 

'I break that rule now. If it works, wear it.'

Now nearing her 50th year, Kylie said that she spent a lot of time in the 90s being embarrassed about what she wore in the 80s. 

But she said: 'I am looking forward to moving into the next era.' 

All out: While she's well known for her glamorous stage outfits, Kylie said it's not the case when she's chilling out at home

We're not saying anything: The stunner also said she has suffered many a fashion fail over the years, which have all been played out in the public eye

She continued: 'It's all a bit embarrassing, but it's part of the journey of discovering who you are and what your style is' - pictured in 1988

Now nearing her 50th year, Kylie said that she spent a lot of time in the 90s being embarrassed about what she wore in the 80s. I am looking forward to moving into the next era' - also 1988

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