Is that Halal? Nazeem Hussain unsure whether I'm A Celebrity food conforms to Muslim law... while Kate Fischer also faces problems with non-Kosher food

There's a reason it's called I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

And in case the cast were under any illusions about what they signed up for upon entering the jungle, this season's first 'tucker trial' quickly ended that.

But in between eating maggots, offal gelatine and drinking goat's blood on Tuesday night's episode, comedian Nazeem Hussain had to stop and consider one thing - is this halal?

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Appropriate? Comedian Nazeem Hussain had to stop and consider whether food he was eating on I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here was halal

The 31-year-old Muslim was prompted on the issue by his co-star Ash Pollard, who sat next to him as the pair, Steve Price and Casey Donovan, took part in the contest.

'I feel sick,' Pollard said, before turning and asking Hussain: 'What happens if this (food) isn't halal?'

But the issue was seemingly one that had already crossed his mind.

Snack pack anyone? Hussain's face said it all as he was confronted with dishes that contained maggots, offal gelatine and goat's blood. The comedian was confident the food would be halal

Prior to stepping into the South African jungle, Hussain told the Daily Telegraph he was confident most of the native food would be halal approved.

'I don't really know what animals are halal beyond normal animals,' he admitted.

'Most Muslims don't consider eating meat beyond like cows, lamb, goats and chicken so we don't really consider how that affects the eco system and what the halal ethics of that is.' 

He said Channel Ten producers had gone to lengths to ensure the food did fit in with his religion.

Struggling: However just because the food was halal certified didn't didn't make it any easier to chew down on, with Hussain regularly gagging as he ate... or watched his co-stars eat

Raising the question: 'I feel sick,' reality TV star Ash Pollard (right) said, before asking Hussain: 'What happens if this (food) isn't halal?'

But surprisingly, upon finding out that one of the meals he was being forced to eat in Tuesday night's episode was halal, Hussain appeared disappointed.

'Damn, I could have used the religion card,' he joked to hosts Dr Chris Brown and Julia Morris before tucking into the disgusting creation.

As the comedian chewed on the food in front of him he regularly gagged, leaving his co-stars in fits of laughter.

But Hussain isn't the only one facing problems about the food he'll eat in the jungle.

Appetising: 'I don't really know what animals are halal beyond normal animals,' Hussain said

Says it all: I'm A Celebrity... hosts Dr Chris Brown (left) and Julia Morris (right) could hardly bare to look as the stars of the show struggle to eat the creations

Kate Fischer - also known as Tziporah Malakh - converted to Judaism in recent years and now only eats kosher food.

But the former model said what she eats isn't her biggest priority in the jungle.

'I accept that during the challenges there is probably going to be some non-Kosher when I am picking pips out of yak poo but that is not eating for enjoyment, that is eating to try and raise money to help people,' Fischer said. 

Trouble: Kate Fischer - also known as Tziporah Malakh - is also set to face problems over the food on the show, having converted to Judaism in recent years and only eating kosher food

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