YouTube daredevils sneak into Selhurst Park via roof before trio climb down to Crystal Palace's pitch in stomach-churning scenes 

  • Three men are shown in video breaking into Selhurst shortly after sunrise
  • Clip was shot on January 3 and showed impostors on the stadium's roof and turf
  • Message on video speaks of intention to find way onto Crystal Palace's pitch
  • Trespassers see a worker and run off before they risk being caught by security  

Three daring pranksters broke into Selhurst Park at sunrise on January 3 before clambering down off the roof and sneaking onto the turf.

A video of their exploits was shared on YouTube by one of the men, named Lexplore, whilst his two friends Josh and Pat accompanied him into Crystal Palace's stadium. 

The trio waited on the roof at Selhurst Park before the sun allowed them clear video footage

After climbing into the ground the three friends made their way onto the top of one stand

In a stomach-churning shot, one of the group dangles his feet off the edge of the roof

One of the trio says: 'The view is f****** mad, you can see the whole of the skyline.'

Next there is a precarious looking gap between stands to negotiate with nothing to serve as a safety harness in the event of a misstep or fall.

Lexplore then dangles his feet off the edge of the roof in a stomach churning shot before the trio jump down onto a passageway with one of them hurrying his friends along saying: 'Quick, quick quick! There's cars.'

There was a precarious gap to negotiate between two stands with no safety measures

Once the men had found a way down onto the terraces, they filed down towards the pitch

With the impostors now in the stadium itself, there is unfettered access to the Crystal Palace pitch.

They share a high five before running off into the stands. 

The video was edited with a message from Lexplore who wrote: 'All along we intended to gain access to the pitch, not just get on the roof. 

Next the men walked onto Crystal Palace's hallowed turf after accomplishing their mission

The ground was largely empty so early in the morning but the men spotted a workman

Finally, the trio made a swift escape after jumping over the outside wall back to the street

YouTuber Lexplore then addressed the camera back home and said he needed some sleep 

'Whilst me and my friend took pictures my other friend tried to find a way off the roof. It was simple, very simple, the only problem was that at this point roads were more populated and there were many pedestrians.'

One of the group spots a workman at the far end of the stadium and decides to call it a day but not before one of the pranksters performs a knee slide celebration on the pitch. 

A quick scale of the outer wall and the trio are back on the street. A Met Police spokesman said they had no knowledge of the incident. 

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