

Donald Trump's Muslim ban makes no sense. But it doesn't need to

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In his first press briefing, Sean Spicer, Donald Trump's press secretary, inadvertently offered a key for understanding the new administration. In discussing inauguration crowd size, a topic that has consumed Trump during his first week in office, Spicer painted a picture. Imagine being the president, looking out over a sea of people while delivering the inaugural address. Then imagine watching cable news that night to hear people say that your crowd wasn't very big. "It's demoralising," he told reporters.

That was Spicer's defence for a falsehood he'd told two days earlier, when he said Trump had attracted "the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration". This followed Trump's statement that between 1 million and 1.5 million had attended the event. (Estimates place the crowd at somewhere below 500,000.)

Why does this matter? Because it indicates that the Trump administration will be based on feelings and perceptions, not facts and figure. And feelings-over-facts provides the ideal foundation for the administration's larger strategy of government by chaos.

Take the refugee and visa ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries. The executive order, initially withheld from government lawyers and most intelligence officials, went into effect immediately after being signed on Friday. Border control agents had not been informed in advance, leaving them to interpret the order on the fly. Travellers, including green-card holders, boarded planes with valid visas only to find themselves denied entry at customs. In the chaos, some travellers were not only turned away but charged with immigration violations and barred from entering the US for the next five years.

When it became clear that both credentialled visitors and permanent US residents were being detained and deported, protesters flocked to America's major international airports. They were joined by dozens of immigration lawyers, who argued the detentions were illegal and the order itself was unconstitutional. Judges responded favourably to these arguments, issuing stays to prevent the order's enactment and ensure detainees received legal counsel.

But that didn't stop the chaos. Homeland Security released a statement saying the order remained in effect. At this hour, there is a constitutional crisis brewing as border control agents clash with lawyers and judges.


That's the chaos. But there is a fact-free argument underlying it. The order is based on a perception of threat that is not supported by facts. In the 48 hours since the order was signed, Trump has tweeted about the need for "extreme vetting" and the persecution of Christians in the Middle East. No mention was made of the plight of Muslims in the Middle East, who make up the vast majority of ISIS's victims. Nor did he mention the exceedingly low probability of an American being killed by jihadist immigrants. Over the past 10 years, Americans were 10 times more likely to be shot by a toddler than killed by a jihadist immigrant.

Islamic terrorism is real, but Trump consistently misidentifies both the scale and nature of the threat. Recent jihadist terrorism within the US has been perpetrated primarily by citizens and permanent residents radicalised while in the country, not by non-residents. As such, it's evident the current vetting system for immigrants and refugees is quite effective.

The ban is only the latest episode in the conspiracist-in-chief's chaos streak. Since taking office, Trump has repeatedly and falsely claimed that millions of people voted illegally in the election. This is conspiratorial rubbish, with no basis in reality. Investigations into voter fraud over the past 15 years have yielded no more than a handful of cases, in a period when more than a billion ballots were cast. In the latest election, four people were caught casting fraudulent ballots. Three of them were Trump voters.

Unable to find any evidence for his claim, Trump now points to a man named Gregg Phillips. Phillips is a huckster who has repeatedly claimed he has amassed dispositive evidence that three million people voted illegally. He's refused to share that evidence with anyone. But Trump – who, coincidentally, lost the popular vote by three million votes and feels very wronged by that fact – is a fan of Phillips's conclusions. Nor is his embrace of manufactured facts simply an emotional salve. The administration announced it will launch a nationwide investigation into the voting rolls. As we've seen in Republican-controlled states across the nation, such investigations quickly become pretext for voter restrictions.

When policy is dictated by feelings, when facts are rejected because they are inconvenient, bad things happen. They're already happening, in airports across America where families are being separated and court orders are being defied and no one really knows what, exactly, is the law of the land. All for a performative piece of muscle-flexing that doesn't make the US one whit safer.

As challenging as this chaotic environment is, the first 10 days of the Trump administration provide some guidance for people who oppose it. Facts still matter, but they must be combined with moral appeals that can reach people whom data doesn't touch.

The Muslim ban is as much about the five-year-old Iranian boy separated from his mother as it is the various subsections of immigration law. The past week also demonstrates that protest marches, while powerful, must be combined with the dry, exhausting work of democratic governance: filing motions, attending meetings, making phone calls. The chaos and misinformation will continue on every front. The resistance to it must as well.

Nicole Hemmer is a Fairfax Media columnist.