

Businesses should be allowed to boycott gay weddings: then we'll know who to avoid

Two weeks after marrying my husband in the US we re-enacted the wedding next to an apartment-block pool in North Queensland. Same vows, same tears, same suits – more sweat. We'd used a licensed celebrant for the northern hemisphere affair but decided to have a friend man the microphone for our mock marriage in Australia. I didn't expect that the first person I asked to perform this privileged duty would refuse to do it. 

The refusal was on religious grounds. This person loved me, loved my fiance and was happy we were together but he just couldn't be involved so centrally in a same-sex wedding. And I understood. When I approached him, I let him know I would not be offended if he'd said no. When he did say no, I was disappointed but not hurt. He attended our wedding as a guest and, understanding the complications of that decision, I'll always cherish that he did. 

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Same-sex marriage: the facts

What exactly would change for same-sex couples if they could marry?

It's an exchange that plays on my mind as governments grapple with the question of whether religious folk more widely should be allowed to refuse involvement in same-sex marriages. In Australia, where gays and lesbians remain unable to marry, a cross-party committee currently considering amendments to the Marriage Act is discussing that question. Legislation proposed as part of the now-dormant plebiscite included protections for "conscientious objectors" – from celebrants to cake bakers – who refused to provide their services to same-sex couples. 

In the US, where same-sex marriage is legal, exemption is a live issue. Republicans in state legislatures continue to push for laws that would protect organisations and businesses refusing service for same-sex unions. Just last week, such a bill failed in Colorado for the third time. And the new Vice-President, former Indiana governor Mike Pence, rose to political stardom as the key defender of a restaurateur who declared that he would not cater for any gay couples who wanted to marry at his suburban pizza joint. 

While the overwhelming majority of Australia's LGBTQI community opposes such exemptions – a recent survey found more than 92 per cent believe civil celebrants should have no right to refuse performing same-sex marriages on religious grounds – there is a part of me that says "bring it on". 

It's the same furious part of me that governs many of my gut reactions to moves intended to disrupt progress for LGBTQI rights. And that thought the plebiscite is a grand idea: shouldn't we just have it out, expose the bigots and get the thing sorted once and for all? Why not let the pious refuse to rent out their hall for my reception and feed my guests their terrible pizza. At least we'll know who to boycott. 


Who wants someone involved in your special day that doesn't believe in your right to have that special day? When my husband and I planned our official, legally sanctioned wedding in the US, we scoured the internet for celebrants, bakeries, venues and other businesses that advertised themselves as friendly to same-sex weddings. We wanted to know we'd assembled a wedding dream team that was invested in us. If I had asked a tailor to stitch me together a tuxedo and he or she refused for religious reasons, I'd thank them for their honesty, find a better fit and write a very pointed Yelp review.

(Imagine if people in the wedding industry retaliated in kind, refusing to service bigoted, straight, religious types. Imagine it: Weddings without gay influence; a plague of awful colour schemes and tacky hair extensions would be unleashed upon Australia's Christian Right.)

The problem with this gut reaction, though, is that it is entirely personal, a selfish submission to that angry and frustrated little guy inside who's all too ready for a fight. And while politics is always personal, it is also always communal; policy affects us individually only as it sweeps past like a wave on its way to affecting everyone else, reshaping the landscape as it does. This is something the more logical, compassionate side of me understands. And why allowing groups to refuse these services is such a dangerous idea. 

How will a "conscientious objector" exemption for same-sex marriage affect people beyond having to hire a different photographer? Listen for the cruel historical echoes of times past when businesses were allowed to refuse different groups service. When the government not only sanctions discrimination, but also builds it into law, it says to the people it governs that it is OK to treat certain people differently. To treat that group as lesser than.

When I asked someone I loved to act as my celebrant and they refused, it had been a personal conversation and we both had an understanding of where we were coming from. There was no money involved; I was asking for a favour. I can't imagine what it would be like to have that same refusal come from a stranger, across a counter, and know that the government was firmly, officially, on their side.

Joel Meares is a Fairfax Media columnist.