- published: 17 Feb 2015
- views: 3418743
Gruž (Italian: Gravosa) is a neighborhood in Dubrovnik, Croatia, about 2 km northwest of the Old City. It has a population of approximately 15,000 people. The main port for Dubrovnik is in Gruž as well as its largest market and the main bus station "Libertas". While historically a manufacturing and industrial base for Dubrovnik, today it is one of the city's main residential areas along with Lapad and Mokošica.
From the 13th century and greatly through the 16th, Gruž was a separate town from Dubrovnik that provided a summer retreat for the inhabitants of the Republic of Ragusa. The shores, like those of Ombla, are populated with a great many stone homes and former summer palaces that are surrounded by cultivated grounds.
Starting in December, 1920, Gruž was the terminus point for the now defunct Dubrovnik tram that ceased running in 1970 following a deadly accident where the tram slipped off its rails and landed in the park in front of Pile Gate. The line has since been replaced by bus routes.
The BMW E36 is a compact executive car which was produced by BMW from 1990 to 1999. It was introduced in October 1990 in the 4-door sedan body style. The model range was later expanded to include the coupe, convertible, station wagon ("Touring") and hatchback ("Compact"). The BMW E46 replaced the E36 sedans in 1998, however the E36 coupe and station wagon models remained in production until 1999, the convertible models remained in production until 2000 and the hatchback models remained in production until 2001.
The hatchback body style, known as the BMW Compact, was introduced in 1994 starting with the 318ti, being very popular in Europe but largely unsuccessful in North America. The "Touring" estate was sold in Europe from 1995, but was not available in the United States. Even though the BMW factory was producing its own E36 convertibles, the Baur "Top Cabriolet" conversion was also available.
The E36 was a successful model which laid strong foundations for the BMW E46's success in subsequent years. For every year of its production, the E36 was named in Car and Driver Magazine's "10 Best Cars" list (see Car and Driver Ten Best). Additionally, the E36 M3 was named Car and Driver's best handling car for over $30k in 1997.
Каспийский Груз - Табор уходит в небо
Каспийский груз Доедешь-пиши HD
Каспийский Груз - Табор Уходит в Небо (официальное видео) 2015
Каспийский Груз - Я бы Уехал (McGregor vs Habib)
Каспийский Груз Сам Все Знаю Kaspiyskiy Gruz
ŻRYJ GRUZ | Poszukiwacz #301
StrzeleckiGarage #7 - 7 series e38 street drift , e36 Gruz crash, Windshield replacement
Kaspiyskiy Gruz Inferno 2015 feat 50cent
Каспийский Груз - 18+ [п.у. Rigos и Slim] (официальное видео) 2015
DRIFT LIFE #6 - Formula Gruz, Autodrom Pomorze
О.П.Г. – Каспийский Груз
Каспийский груз.Ты меня не лечи.
Build "amateur" drift/funny car BMW E36 5h project M50B20 gruz tanidrift
BMW E36 M50B25 Drift Gruz Masters Tor Żerań 2K17
Państwo Nowakowie jedzą gruz [FAKTOID]
'GRUZ 200, GRUZ300', 'Груз 200 Груз 300'
Gruz Bocsánat
Каспийский Груз - Guantanamera ❤️
StrzeleckiGarage #8 - 7 series e38 WRC in the woods , e36 Gruz crash AGAIN & some street action!
GRUZ time
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Каспийский груз Доедешь пиши HD клип
Каспийский Груз - Табор Уходит в Небо (официальное видео) 2015 видео: TABOON COMOON | http://vk.com/taboon_comoon аэросъемка: http://skylifecinema.com/ в съемках участвовали: Гагаринские, весь Цыганский поселок, ISKRA_RS, Карамба, Сазон, Свят, Лиман, Фиска, Кара, Слесарь, Гомер, Виктор Палыч, Жаман, Качканар, Проект 4естно, Лярокка, Витяй Локи ... Каспийский Груз в ВК: http://vk.com/kaspiysky.gruz скачать альбом на iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/storona-a-storona-b/id962255933 музыка: ВесЪ, FD Vadim сведение и мастеринг: Lesha PRIO | http://vk.com/leshaprio альбом "сторона А | сторона Б" 2015 запись: GLSS Studio
TBILISI MUSIC FACTORY - Живи, кайфуй, 😜 LIKE & SUBSCRIBE CHANNEL ✵♛ ✘PHOTO - https://www.facebook.com/TBILISIOFFICIAL1990 ✘PHOTO - https://vk.com/blatnoitmf ✘Каспийский Груз - Трясина (Я бы Уехал) https://vk.com/kaspiysky.gruz © Все авторские права принадлежат их законным владельцам. Если вы являетесь автором и распространение ущемляет ваши авторские права просим связаться с нами и видео будет удалено в течении 24 часов. ♫ Ссылка для связи ♫ ➥.https://www.facebook.com/TBILISIOFFICIAL1990
ZOSTAŃ ZE MNĄ, SUBSKRYBUJ i PAMIĘTAJ O DZWONKU🔔!➜ http://bit.ly/1uQgJTA A CO MY TU MAMY➜https://www.youtube.com/acomytumamy MÓJ KANAŁ VLOGOWY➜https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtJ9CYayUVhTreDbY1A6fjA FACEBOOK➜ https://www.facebook.com/adamknowshow SKLEP = KOSZULKI + TORBY ➜ http://poszukiwacz.cupsell.pl/ INSTAGRAM➜ http://instagram.com/wiemjak SNAP➜ wiemjak GRUPA➜ https://www.facebook.com/groups/poszukiwacze ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Poszukiwacz! W poniedziałki i czwartki pokażę Ci śmieszne, a czasem szokujące filmiki:) Dzisiaj zobaczymy jaką dietę proponuje Liaquat Ali z Pakistanu! :D Podobno dobrze znają ją cyganie! Będzie o zaćmieniu słońca w USA, którego nigdzie indziej nie można było zobaczyć! :) Zakończymy dziwnym skurczem łydki! Ostatni odcinek „TEN P...
Na bieżąco!: https://www.facebook.com/StrzeleckiGarage/ https://www.instagram.com/strzelecki_garage/ Seria ma charakter rozrywkowy, nie należy naśladować tych upośledzonych nieznanych ludzi ani próbować rzeczy które są tu przedstawiane. Pamiętajcie teraz prawo jazdy mogą wam zabrać za dosłownie WSZYSTKO. no to EnJoy The Show! :) !!!!ŻEBY ODPALIĆ FILM NA KOMÓRCE ODTWÓRZ GO PRZEZ GOOGLE CHROME A NIE APLIKACJE YOUTUBE I ZNAJDŹ "WERSJA NA KOMPUTER" W OPCJACH PRZEGLĄDARKI. TA SAMA POZYCJA JEST W OPCJACH YOUTUBA I WTEDY FILM NIE DZIAŁA, WIEC UWAŻAĆ NA TĄ RÓŻNICE!!!!!
Deixe sua curtida posso trazer mais conteúdos desses a vcs INSCREVA-SE
Каспийский Груз - 18+ [п.у. Rigos и Slim] (официальное видео) 2015 video by Andrey Nikitin | http://vk.com/bynikitin director by Vlad Nekrasov | http://vk.com/filmdirectorvladnekrasov в главных ролях: Фёдор Смолов и Яна Ткачук Каспийский Груз в ВК: http://vk.com/kaspiysky.gruz Каспийский Груз на Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfZc8tFEzE7eD5u4e3asfHA iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/storona-a-storona-b/id962255933 музыка: Брутто, FD Vadim сведение и мастеринг: Lesha PRIO | http://vk.com/leshaprio альбом "сторона А | сторона Б" 2015 запись: GLSS Studio
W tym odcinku zobaczycie wymianę zawieszenia w Nemo (e46 Kuby), trening w bliskich parach i wiele więcej... Dla tych co chcą być na bieżąco zapraszamy na: FB: http://www.facebook.com/drift.patriot INSTA: http://www.instagram.com/drift.patriot Muzyka: Sher7ock https://www.facebook.com/Sher7ock https://www.youtube.com/user/SherlockOfficialTV Bilety na Drift Masters GP w Poznaniu, możecie nabyć na https://www.ebilet.pl/sport/sporty-motorowe/drift-masters-grand-prix/ Więcej informacji odnośnie zawodów w Poznaniu znajdziecie na http://www.driftmasters.gp/ Nowe zwieszenie Kuby - https://mts-technik.pl/ Współpraca - drift.patriot@gmail.com DRIFT LIFE !!!
Sezon na gruzy. Szybka decyzja o "amatorskim" projekcie BMW E36 po najtańszych kosztach: - zaspawany dyfer - felgi przód E34 - podkładki pod amortyzatory z przodu(lekki negatyw) - springi "lekko" cięte - el. wentylator. Jest zabawa :) M50B20 Vanos w dobrej formie :)
Bmw e36 320i M50b20
W drugim odcinku "Zwyczajnych Nadzwyczajnych", przedstawiamy Wam Nowaków, którzy mają bardzo nietypowe upodobania gastronomiczne.
На позициях 93-й ОМБр документалист из Польши снял документальную ленту о войне на Донбассе. Называется она "Груз 200, груз 300" (так обозначают погибших и раненых). Смотреть нужно всем, чтобы понять, какой ад принес Украине "русский мир". Фильм взят с Украинского информационно-аналитического интернет портала: http://glavpost.com/post/16jan2016/Conflicts/76854-gruz-200-gruz-300-zhutkiy-film-o-voyne-na-donbasse-video.html
Gruz Bocsánat from Bocsánat LP 2013 , Da' Clan 4 Life Entertainment INc. , West Coast rap , Ungarn , Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gruzi
✖ Follow Me » Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Apooovar » VK: http://vk.com/apooovar » Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apppooo/ » Twitter: https://twitter.com/apppppoooo » SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/apppo ✖ Follow Каспийский Груз : » VK: https://vk.com/takoyvesomiy » VK: https://vk.com/kaspiysky.gruz » Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrOdilbayov » SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/kaspiyskiygruz » Web Site: http://kaspiysky-gruz.ru/ ✖ Like and Subscribe © TO OWNERS & COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: This channel is created to promote magnificent songs, and as well, producers. Absolutely, NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. This CHANNEL CLAIMS NO RIGHTS OR OWNERSHIP over the contents posted. If you wish for a track to be removed, please let us know ...
Na bieżąco!: https://www.facebook.com/StrzeleckiGarage/ https://www.instagram.com/strzelecki_garage/ Seria ma charakter rozrywkowy, nie należy naśladować tych upośledzonych nieznanych ludzi ani próbować rzeczy które są tu przedstawiane. Pamiętajcie teraz prawo jazdy mogą wam zabrać za dosłownie WSZYSTKO. no to EnJoy The Show! :) !!!!ŻEBY ODPALIĆ FILM NA KOMÓRCE ODTWÓRZ GO PRZEZ GOOGLE CHROME A NIE APLIKACJE YOUTUBE I ZNAJDŹ "WERSJA NA KOMPUTER" W OPCJACH PRZEGLĄDARKI. TA SAMA POZYCJA JEST W OPCJACH YOUTUBA I WTEDY FILM NIE DZIAŁA, WIEC UWAŻAĆ NA TĄ RÓŻNICE!!!!!
https://www.expedia.com/Dubrovnik-Southern-Dalmatia.d6050111.Destination-Travel-Guides The Croatian city of Dubrovnik is one of Europe’s most enduring treasures. Cross the medieval bridge and enter the Old Town through Pile Gate, then climb the ramparts for a history lesson like no other. It takes an hour or two to walk the Old Town’s ramparts. At Fort Bokar, take in the views to Fort Lawrence, then follow the sea wall to St John’s Fort, which once protected the City Harbor from enemy ships. Explore Fort Revelin, which offers even more commanding views of the harbor, then continue on to the highest point in the city’s defenses, Fort Minceta. Once you’ve arrived back at Pile Gate, descend into the streets of the Old Town. The town is divided in two by the Stradun, a street marked at ea...
Extract from the 60-minute Footloose in Dubrovnik DVD available from http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001UB1NZ4. Thinking of visiting unique Dubrovnik? Get inspiration from our DVD: features a walking trail from Gruz harbour into the beautiful fortified city of Dubrovnik, Croatia: Pearl of the Adriatic. Includes visits to the restoration Institute, the Rectors Palace, the Franciscan Monastery and the Island of Lokrum. Filmed and produced by Debra and David Rixon. More information from our website: http://www.footloose.tv/FLE/Dubrovnikholiday.htm good video on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgNo1JO5cp4 Unique Dubrovnik http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pJcKCqxtAM&feature;=fvwrel Travel Europe Travel Croatia Dubrovnik Travel Video PostCard
Dubrovnik has shot to fame suddenly after Game of Thrones' popularity. Its walls surrounding the old town, the port, quaint restaurants, street musicians, shooting locations & water sports make Dubrovnik one stop destination for most travellers. Add this to your bucketlist, watch our complete travel guide on Dubrovnik, the jewel of Adriatic Sea, in the latest episode of Boarding Pass. Boarding Pass is your complete city travel guide in the list of World Culture Network Originals series. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT below. In this series, Boarding Pass we will answer some important and basic questions that prepare you to visit any new city with our host, Parampara Patil Hashmi. Boarding Pass is your quick and complete pre-trip guide to some of the best cities around...
Dubrovnik-kroz luku Gruž i oko starog grada
Dubrovnik Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia 2018 The Croatian city of Dubrovnik is one of Europe’s most enduring treasures. Cross the medieval bridge and enter the Old Town through Pile Gate, then climb the ramparts for a history lesson like no other. It takes an hour or two to walk the Old Town’s ramparts. At Fort Bokar, take in the views to Fort Lawrence, then follow the sea wall to St John’s Fort, which once protected the City Harbor from enemy ships. Explore Fort Revelin, which offers even more commanding views of the harbor, then continue on to the highest point in the city’s defenses, Fort Minceta. Once you’ve arrived back at Pile Gate, descend into the streets of the Old Town. The town is divided in two by the Stradun, a street marked at each end by a bell tower and a fountain. ...
Seventh episode in the series of short documentaries about Dubrovnik with English subtitles about the port of Gruž. (If, for any reason, subtitles don't start automatically, enable them manually by clicking on "CC" icon under the video)
Time-lapse / Gruž - Lapad / Storm Dubrovnik, 2010 audio: Placebo - English Summer Rain
Several wonderful beaches are located in part of Dubrovnik called Lapad. Lapad is a peninsula holding the most beautiful, outer walls, part of Dubrovnik, with a heavenly bay, Sumratin bay (Uvala Lapad) in which all these beaches are located. To reach this beach take bus no 2 to Uvala Lapad and get off at the bus stop at Hotel Park, or take no 6 to Bulevar and then take first street on the left, walking for 10 min to reach the sea shore – and you are there right at the beach! The beach is located in the vicinity of several Lapad Hotels as well as many restaurants, cafe bars, tennis courts, children playgrounds. On the beach itself there is a restaurant and couple of café bars. The beach is equipped with showers and changing cabins, sun umbrellas and deck chairs. Uvala Lapad bay has a lon...
21. listopada 2015. October 21, 2015
One of the ports on our Mediterranean cruise was Dubrovnik, Croatia - a charming medieval town on the Adriatic coast. It was also one of the filming locations for HBO's Game of Thrones
Dubrovnik beautiful old town, the ancient people there make history, the people there today make money. nice place but feel not equally nice. visit Dubrovnik, walk in Croatia, travel with Daniel, Daniel world travel. *** ~ PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ~ *** At least one new video is posted each and every day! Join Daniel as he travels the WORLD exploring, helping violinists, violin makers and teachers, making and sharing videos that entertain and educate! Go places you’ve never gone before but have always wanted. Find out what it’s like to live like a local in different corners of the earth. What’s next? SUBSCRIBE to find out! Like, Comment and Share on: AV Daniel Violin ~ Facebook Fan Page! ~ https://www.facebook.com/AVDanielViolinFanpage/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC33DZIOL5BhWju6kq1...
Sedma epizoda dokumentarnog serijala o Dubrovniku sa temom dubrovačke Luke Gruž i njenih sadržaja. Glazba: - Roof jump - Marius De Vries, Ilan Eshkeri - Meet Harry Stamper - Oil Rig - Trevor Rabin/Harry Gregson Williams
Includes drone footage of the Dubrovnik’s old town and St Jacobs beach. Travel video blog about one of my favorite cities in the world: Dubrovnik, Croatia. Dubrovnik is a very popular destination for tourists because the city offers a combination of history, beautiful architecture and also some of world’s most beautiful beaches. During summer, Dubrovnik also has a great nightlife, with many bars and restaurants offering a wide range of amazing food influenced by the local history and Adriatic flavours. With so beautiful landscapes and rich history, it’s not hard to understand why Dubrovnik has been selected to be the filming location for the popular TV series Game of Thrones. Our holiday trip to Dubrovnik took place at the end of summer in 2016, some of the places you will see in this ...
Dubrovnik, Croatia 2017 - Top 20 Things to Do & See in Dubrovnik Dubrovnik is the most famous, most visited and most expensive tourist destination on the Adriatic Sea. This romantic city boasts an impressive history and many beautiful historic attractions. An UNESO World Heritage Site, the old town is perfectly preserved, and full of wonderful Renaissance, Gothic, and Baroque palaces, churches, and monasteries. The most popular attraction in Dubrovnik is pedestrian-only old town and surrounding city walls. Since Game of Thrones showcased the city’s beautiful architecture visitors have flocked to Dubrovnik to see “King’s Landing” in real life. One day in Dubrovnik is still enough time to explore the most exciting sights. Here's what you need to know about the best attractions and things to ...
Stupid little fucker from outer space
I don't wanna see your ugly face
Lame ass shit go to the show
Shut your mouth what do you know
Oi!!(yeah whatever)
Follow every fucking trend
Timmy Armstrong's your best friend
I don't wanna see you puke
I'm sick of your friends and you
You're a rancid motherfucker and I don't