Bernie SandersTài khoản được xác nhận


Sen. Bernie Sanders is the longest serving independent in congressional history. Tweets ending in -B are from Bernie, and all others are from a staffer.

Đã tham gia tháng 4 năm 2009

@SenSanders bị chặn

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  1. Tweet đã ghim
    21 thg 1

    President Trump, you made a big mistake. By trying to divide us up by race, religion, gender and nationality you actually brought us closer.

  2. 11 giờ trước

    President Trump's Muslim ban is un-American, is unconstitutional and is going to make us less safe, not more safe.

  3. 15 giờ trước

    We're not going to shut up. We're going to resist. Stand with tonight at the Supreme Court.

  4. 17 giờ trước

    On virtually every major issue, Trump represents a minority of Americans. Our job now is to bring the majority together and fight back.

  5. 19 giờ trước

    Democracy means one person, one vote. It does not mean billionaires buying elections.

  6. 19 giờ trước

    You get one vote. The Koch brothers get one vote + the ability to spend $400 million to elect those who will represent the rich and powerful

  7. 19 giờ trước

    When Trump makes delusional statements about voter fraud, he's really saying he wants Republican governors to suppress voters more.

  8. 20 giờ trước

    We need experienced people who will protect our country on the National Security Council, not an extreme right-wing political operative.

  9. 21 giờ trước

    Steve Bannon sitting on the National Security Council is dangerous and unprecedented. He must be removed.

  10. 29 thg 1

    Trump's executive order banning entry into the United States is an ugly stain on everything this country is supposed to stand for.

  11. 29 thg 1

    This country has never been about one person or one president. It's about the millions of people who speak up and fight for justice.

  12. 28 thg 1

    While we fight against Trump's hateful agenda, we must push forward a progressive vision demanding our government represents all of us.

  13. 28 thg 1

    Demagogues survive by fostering hatred. We won't allow anyone to divide us up by our religion, country of origin or the color of our skin.

  14. 28 thg 1

    Trump's anti-Muslim order plays into the hands of fanatics wishing to harm America. Love and compassion trump hatred and intolerance.

  15. 28 thg 1

    Puzder is perfect for Trump's cabinet. He's a billionaire, pays employees starvation wages and knows nothing about being Secretary of Labor.

  16. 28 thg 1

    On almost every issue, Trump and Republicans ignore the views of the people while they follow the dictates of their campaign contributors.

  17. 28 thg 1

    The attacks on abortion rights that we see now would not be happening if 80 percent of the U.S. Senate were women, not men.

  18. 28 thg 1

    Goldman Sachs’ president gets a $285 million exit package but no top Wall Street exec has been prosecuted. That’s how a rigged system works.

  19. 27 thg 1

    The American people know climate change is real and a threat to our planet. That’s why they want to aggressively move to sustainable energy.

  20. 27 thg 1

    We don't need a Secretary of State whose company spent millions denying climate change and working to stop limits on carbon emissions.

  21. 27 thg 1

    I will vote NO on the nomination of Rex Tillerson, one of the worst choices Trump has made for his cabinet, and he’s made many bad choices.

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