Incident Details: 19970000111014001

Incident Date: 1997
Incident Successful: Yes
Location: Montreal, Quebec Canada
Perpetrators: Vinland Hammerskins
Berzerker Boot Boys
Event Type: Unarmed Assault
Weapon Type(s): Unknown
Organization Type: Supremacist,

Suicide Attack: No
Hoax: No
Violent Extremism:
Doubt Terror:
Target Information
1- Private Citizens & Property(Unnamed Civilians/Unspecified)

Canadian Target:
Canadian Victim:
Canadian Perpetrator:
By foreigners against foreign target(s) in Canada:

Victims: 0 fatalities, 30 injuries
Perpetrators: 8 involved, 0 fatalities, 0 injuries
Description: "00/00/1997: Eight members of the Vinland Hammer Skins and Berzerker Boot Boys carried out four planned attacks at three bars, injuring approximately 30 individuals. Brant Smith, Claude Brunet, Daniel Brunet, Sylvain Quiron, Mathieu Dubois, Jonathan Cote, Steve Lavallee, and Alain Letart were arrested in connection with the assaults.  When the arrests were made, police uncovered caches of knives, switchblades, mace, pepper spray, assault rifles, telescopic sights and silencers on the men, all of which resulted in 240 separate charges. Prior to the arrests, a growing number of similar attacks were taking place in the city that year."
References: 1) "Perry, B., & Scrivens, R. (2014). Right wing extremism in Canada: An environmental scan."
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