Incident Details: 19820104021014001

Incident Date: January 04, 1982
Incident Successful: Yes
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Perpetrators: Klu Klux Klan (KKK)

Event Type: Unarmed Assault
Weapon Type(s): Unknown
Organization Type: Supremacist,

Suicide Attack: No
Hoax: No
Violent Extremism:
Doubt Terror:
Target Information
1- Private Citizens & Property(Unnamed Civilians/Unspecified)

Canadian Target: Yes
Canadian Victim:
Canadian Perpetrator:
By foreigners against foreign target(s) in Canada:

Victims: 0 fatalities
Perpetrators: 1 involved, 0 fatalities
Description: "01/04/1982: Five members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) distributed racist and fascist literature outside the Communist Party of Canada - Marxist-Leninist (CPC-ML) headquarters in Vancouver. Alan Hooper, a member of the KKK, assaulted the manager of the bookstore when he opposed the provocation. The police were notified. The police, according to CPC-ML, were reluctant to lay charges. Only after repeated attempts on the part of the manager of the bookstore did a Justice of the Peace agree to lay the charges of assault. In August, Hooper was convicted of assaulting a member of the CPC-ML. He was charged $100, placed on probation, ordered not to have any further contact with the man he attacked, and to keep off the block where the CPC-ML bookstore was located. Conspiracy to commit murder was also tossed out."
References: 1) RWVIC p. 179
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