Incident Details: 19740726091014001

Incident Date: July 26, 1974
Incident Successful:
Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Perpetrators: Western Guard

Event Type: Unarmed Assault
Weapon Type(s): Primitive/Melee (Blunt Object)
Organization Type: Rightist,

Suicide Attack: No
Hoax: No
Violent Extremism:
Doubt Terror:
Target Information
1- Private Citizens & Property(Unnamed Civilians/Unspecified)

Canadian Target: Yes
Canadian Victim:
Canadian Perpetrator:
By foreigners against foreign target(s) in Canada:

Victims: 0 fatalities
Perpetrators: 40 involved, 0 fatalities
Description: "07/26/1974: Forty members of a white power group carrying placards, shouting slogans against blacks, were involved in several fights with spectators in the Yonge St. Mall during the weekend. Several skirmishes broke out between demonstrators and onlookers. Pieces of wood, chains, and cable were produced and several people were injured after being hit with the weapons. A crowd of 2,000-2,500 was present - they were holding a demonstration following a party celebrating Mussolini's birthday. Four men were arrested. Arthur Boyes charged three metro policemen with assaulting him at the demonstration. He said that his nose had been broken by one of the policemen. Gerald Doyle charged the police officer with assault."
References: 1) RWVIC p. 69
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