Random unprovoked attacks on Calgary Transit worker, paramedic result in man's arrest

Sherri Zickefoose, Calgary Herald 


Police have charged a man with the assault of a Calgary Transit worker and a paramedic and say they’re investigating more random, unreported attacks.

On Aug. 2 around 1:35 a.m., two women sitting on the steps at the Anderson LRT station were approached by a man who briefly spoke to them before assaulting both of them, without provocation. A few minutes later, a Calgary Transit maintenance worker in the same area was assaulted without warning by the same man, police say.

A police investigation using transit’s CCTV revealed the earlier assault on the two women.

Police say they have no record of the women reporting the incident, but would like to speak with them.

On Aug. 19, just before 6 p.m., a female uniformed paramedic was leaving a coffee shop in the 9600 block of Macleod Trail S.W. when a man shouted obscenities at her and chased her back to her car. She phoned police while the man continued shouting obscenities at her and banging on her vehicle window.

Kyle MacKenzie, 25, of Calgary has been charged with criminal harassment and assault.

Police are also investigating more CCTV footage showing a similar assault occurring Aug. 30 around 10 p.m., at the Dalhousie LRT station.

The victim in this case was wearing a hoodie, and has also not come forward.


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