Some of the local boneheads:



Doug Jardine

Since November Doug has been fanning the flames of racial hatred in K-W by handing out his white supremacist news letter and harassing and assaulting anti-racists. Donât be fooled by his "equal rights for whites" bullshit. Doug is a white supremacist, actively promoting hatred in our community! Donât take our word for it, hereâs what Doug has to say in one of his news letters...

"There will be a time when the white race will have to fight for what they believe in and we all must stand together, and fight side by side. If not we will be defeated. We canât let the niggers, and the Jewâs take what we have fought for so long away from us"

"Nipperâs...Look what happens when Canada lets one fucking family in they end up bring the whole country to our land and then they also steal our jobs...I think the nippersâ should wake up and get a fuckin real life."

"The Spics...Now these guys are just like the nippersâ...If you donât know whom Iâm talking about then I will tell you. They all live on Cameron St. right beside the car wash."

"Well I would really like to know what is wrong with hate crimes. Itâs like as if we donât live in the country of the free." "There seems to be a lot of girls giving birth to nigger babies!...Well I think they should also be getting their faces kicked in and be put in the hospital for dating, fucking, niggers or even talking to and hanging out with niggers."

"We donât go around kicking the fuck out of niggers and Jews or anybody else we donât like. Maybe we should fuckin start doing just that."

After we put up posters in his neighbourhood warning local residents about Doug we got word that he was planning to sue us! We welcome this challenge, because we can prove that the letters came from Doug and he would probably end up in jail for assault and producing hate literature.

Dougâs newsletters show his true intentions. His words are not about free speech. He wants to deny people their freedom by they encouraging his bonehead friends to commit acts of violence against Hispanics, Blacks, Jews, Orientals and other minorities. Well Doug...we have news for you. You canât just go around spouting this crap and assaulting people and not expect people in K-W to react.

When news started to spread about Doug, we heard that large groups of people went downtown looking for him. Lucky for Doug, he hasnât been around much, infact we havenât seen his sorry ass around in about a month. Seems that heâs pissed off a lot more people than just the ARA. Last we heard he was living with his mommy in Cambridge.

ARA will stand by those who take action against white supremacists - by any means necessary!


  • born May 4, 1973 in Fredriction, New Brunswick
  • 6'0", 175 LBS
  • often lives in Cambridge, but when in Kitchener he often hangs out at Chris Watt's house at 51 David Street, Kitchener (near Victoria Park)
  • tattoos of grim reaper on arm, SS on neck, 'WHITE' & 'POWER' tatoos down the back of each arm
  • known drug dealer
  • known source for racist and anti-semitic literature
  • often tries to lure women into sexual situations by offering drugs
  • spring 1993: spent time in jail for assaulting a Jewish shopkeeper in downtown Kitchener
  • summer 1997: suspected of leading the gang rape of a homeless 15 yr old female at a local shelter
  • early 1998: charged with assault with a weapon, break and enter, possession of an illegal weapon (sawed-off shotgun) -- assault charges stayed for one year because the victim couldn't be found


  • comes from Woodstock
  • approx 6'1", 240pounds
  • shaved head
  • tatoo on right arm with swastika and the word "skin"
  • has been seen giving the Nazi "Seig Heil" Salute