Terry Long (white supremacist)

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Terry Long is the former leader of the Aryan Nations in Canada.[1][2][3]

He ran for public office in British Columbia as a member of the Western Canada Concept party.[4]

In the 1980s and early 1990s, the Aryan Nations’ Canadian branch was led by Alberta-based Terry Long, who staged a major rally and cross burning in Provost, Alberta.

He is a native of Caroline, Alberta.


  1. ^ Gillis, Bharlie. (20 April 1999) "Estate of late broadcaster wins suit against Aryan Nations Church: Neo-Nazis beat man." National Post p. A8.
  2. ^ Kinsella, Warren. (20 March 1994) "True Patriot HATE; Why did the Canadian Armed Forces accept a group of violent neo-Nazis and Klansmen?" The Ottawa Citizen p. B1.
  3. ^ Nizkor Project
  4. ^ Gordon, Sean. (12 July 2003) "White supremacists embrace political process for legitimacy." The Ottawa Citizen p. D2.