My dad is in his 60s. I'm 30. But we're finding ourselves in a similar stage in life.

It may not seem like the most romantic act. But to me, it means everything.

I miss my family. But I don't regret selling my possessions to wander around the world.


Friends grow apart all the time, but we rarely talk about it

A breakup without the breakup talk.

Mary Richards was taking care of herself before this became the norm.

Like us, plenty of young couples are delaying marriage because of student debt.

Pop culture says that no-strings-attached sex between friends is a bad idea. But in reality, that's not always true.

Casual relationships actually require lots of heart-to-heart talks.

She's lazy, entitled and refuses to grow up.

I met my ex-husband on Tinder. Now divorced, it was time to try something else.

My speech impediment helps me determine whether a person is patient and kind.

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