Google and other companies say they will be powerfully affected by the order.

Google's new messenger app is stirring up a debate about whether companies should make strong encryption a default feature for users.

Legal teams of several major tech firms gather Tuesday to discuss a broader legal strategy.

Lyft got a political bump this weekend as hundreds called for an Uber boycott.

How Silicon Valley is reacting to Trump's travel ban

Several CEO's from Silicon Valley have spoken against Donald Trump's executive order that halts U.S. entry for refugees.

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This man really hates traffic.

Boeing, under contract from NASA to fly crews to the space station, reveals its new space suit and facilities.

The hubbub over the security of the White House's accounts is a good reminder for all Twitter users to take a spin through their settings.

Ohlhausen often uses the term “regulatory humility” to describe her philosophy.

The 2017 smartphone cycle is about to kick off in earnest, and there are some familiar names fighting to come back into the fold.

Many researchers have looked into the carbon footprint of our tech habits.

Boeing is set to unveil a new suit for people flying on the Starliner.

Ajit Pai will oversee the nation’s most powerful telecom regulator.

The probe could be bad news as Verizon tries to buy Yahoo.

Samsung finally disclosed what made its flagship smartphone explode this past fall

The tweet-happy leader of the free world reportedly gave up one of his closest companions in the interest of national security.

The FTC said Uber exaggerated the amount drivers could earn and misled them about the benefits of its car financing options.

Google Maps is making some D.C.-only updates to help you get around this weekend.

But federal investigators highlighted the challenges of semiautonomous driving.

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler tried to break the grip of large Internet providers. But now a cloud hangs over his achievements.

The company is so big, it may not be affected.

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