Trump fires acting attorney general Sally Yates

After acting attorney general Sally Yates issued a memo on Jan. 30, for Justice Department lawyers not to defend President Trump's immigration order, he "relieved Ms. Yates of her duties," according to a White House statement. Dana Boente, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Va., was sworn in to replace her.

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The White House may have gotten ahead of the evidence.

A spokesman said Obama “is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country."

The new president is expected to make his mark on an aggressive legislative agenda.

President Trump spoke to the media briefly after a meeting with small business owners on Jan. 30 at the White House.

As nationwide protests against President Trump’s immigration mandate rage on, he reshuffled the National Security Council and put chief strategist and former Breitbart News chair Stephen Bannon in an unprecedented national security role.

Trump has yet to detail how these safe zones would be set up and who would protect them.

The fact that four judges have already issued stays means they believe the measure faces serious challenge.

Thousands protested the president’s executive order outside the White House, at Trump International Hotel and at Dulles International Airport.

President Trump signed three executive orders, Jan. 28, including one directing the Joint Chiefs of Staff to draft a plan to destroy the Islamic State and another formalizing new lobbying restrictions on administration officials

President Trump signed an executive order halting all refugees from entering the U.S. for 120 days, among other provisions. Here's what the order says.

President Trump announced two executive actions, one relating to vetting refugees, the other to increased military funding, on Jan. 27 at the Pentagon.

The U.S. president held a joint news conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Sometimes social media gets it wrong. Who knew?

"I think he likes me,” Trump says. “I mean, you're going to have to ask him, but I think he likes me."

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