Diabetes patients overpaid for insulin, lawsuit alleges

Most Syrian refugees are women and children.

There are unfortunate consequences to making others feel dehumanized.

  • Nour Kteily, Emile Bruneau
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  • 15 hours ago
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In less than two months, technology companies went from making nice with Trump to confronting his travel ban.

Governments with much stronger authoritarian tendencies than anything plausible in the U.S. — like those of Hitler or Mussolini — saw strong markets in their early years.

  • Lawrence H. Summers
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  • 1 day ago
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Trump's plan could hurt some Americans more than others.

Federal data show that sanctuary cities are both safer and more prosperous than other areas.

Mexico is the United States' second-largest market for exports.

Now is the time for clearsighted Democrats to persuade some brave Republicans to break ranks and jump off the Trump Express.

"We've been asked over and over again, 'How could you possibly do this? There's no way that Mexico will pay for it.' Here's one way. Boom. Done," press secretary Sean Spicer said.

U.S. economy expanded 1.9 percent in fourth quarter, while 2016 GDP rises 1.6 percent

Mexico exports eight percent of the beer — and all the tequila — sold in the U.S.

The White House added more uncertainty to President Trump's plan to fund a wall along the southern border with contradictory and ambiguous statements on Thursday.

Trump wants to pay for a border wall with a 20 percent tax on imports from Mexico. These communities could be affected the most.

He'd come close to violating international trade law.

Fixating on the trade deficit doesn't make a lot of sense.

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