And so far, they keep winning.

It's been quite a first week.

If we are really a "nation of immigrants," accepting refugees is more than worth the risk.

Plus: Cops and the "cult of compliance," Sessions supports encryption backdoor, allegations of awful abuse at Wisconsin juvenile detention center.

The problem with de-policing.

The president promises to make public policy of his demagoguery.

The presumptive attorney general, in his own words.

Plus: Mass. high court order charges dropped in drug cases tainted by lab analyst, media banned from Trump's D.C. hotel, and what's going on in Oregon?

A black South Carolina family is raided. The police don't find the massive drug stash they were looking for, but they take a small-business owner's cash anyway. All in a day's work.

Plus: Senator picks fight with Trump nominee over donation to civil liberties group, conservative magazine advocates a return to hangings, police beat deaf man for not following orders he couldn't hear.

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