Category: History

A Free Market Fantasy

By Geoff R & Bryer Sousa

As of late, those of us based in the US, who attend to internet-based discussion threads as well as chat forums concerning ‘radical’ social, political, and economic philosophies may be taken aback by the …

Leninist Vanguardism vs. Libertarian Left Militant Minority Organization



It is not uncommon for class struggle libertarians to hear Leninists equate vanguardism with a libertarian militant minority group, such as the Friends of Durruti in libertarian Spain, yet suggest that the libertarian role is simply lacking in …

Anarchist Critique of PKK

The following post is authored by WSA member JT and originally posted on their blog Rage Against Capital.  While this critique does not represent an official position of the WSA, it did find traction and preexisting sentiment among many

Libertarianism is a Type of Socialism, NOT Classical Liberalism

By Geoff

Libertarianism is a socialist political philosophy which has its roots in the socialist workers’ movements of the 1800s and 1900s. It is especially associated with ideas that came out of the First International (IWA – 1864-1876), especially those …