Woodside and NASA form an alliance to find a place for robots in big oil and gas

Woodside could look to use NASA's Robonaut on its oil and gas platforms.
Woodside could look to use NASA's Robonaut on its oil and gas platforms. Robert Markowitz

Woodside Petroleum is to work with NASA to develop teams of robot workers that might do the unpleasant, the untimely, the dangerous and the downright boring work on its offshore oil and gas platforms and in its onshore gas processors.

The plan, which is slated for public confirmation later this week and represents a first in the embrace of artificial intelligence for the oil and gas industry, will see NASA work on where and how its Robotnaut 2 technologies might best eventually replace people.

NASA's website describes R2 as a "dexterous humanoid robot" that is at present calling the International Space Station home. R2 has been in space since late 2011 and its experimental capacities have been developed to a point where it performs "simple, repetitive or even dangerous tasks".

NASA reckons the 50 patented technologies that make R2 so special now have "the potential to be game-changers in multiple industries, including logistics and distribution, median and industrial robotics and beyond".

I am not kidding. NASA's narrative really has echoed Pixar space ranger Buzz Lightyear.

The opening phase of Woodside's R2 initiative will see two of NASA's community of robotics experts from Houston's Lyndon B Johnson Space Centre working directly with the Australian gas company's technology people with the aim of manufacturing what could be a new community of Australian workers.

The disruptive potential of automation to the traditional demographics of the workplace stands as one of the emerging challenges of our working times. So it was an understandably cautious Woodside management recently opened discussions with its largely Western Australian staff over the possibilities of this very mechanical deployment of artificial intelligence.

But, far from reacting defensively, the company's workforce reportedly identified about 200 tasks that might better be done by a robot rather than by them.

Advanced safety systems

NASA's robot, which began its life in space as a torso but was given legs in 2014, was developed in alliance with General Motors and the New York listed, Houston-based deepwater oil and gas engineering firm Oceaneering.

In launching the R2 project then GM vice-president Alan Taub said that for the American car giant the aim was "safer cars and safer plants".

"When it comes to the future vehicles, the advancement in controls, sensors and vision technology can be used to develop advanced vehicle safety systems," he said. "The partnership's vision is to explore advanced robots working together in harmony with people, building better, higher quality vehicles in a safer, more competitive manufacturing environment".

The Woodside vision is rather more prosaic. There are an awful lot of jobs on offshore rigs and in liquid natural gas plants that have to be done at unsocial times, in unpleasant climes and in dangerous places. Apparently boss Peter Coleman sees a future where a team of R2 might be clambering around the scaffolding of his offshore rigs or reading the meters of Pluto's flare at 3 o'clock on a stormy Pilbara morning.

There is also the potential that, because robots can work where people cannot, their arrival might trigger innovation in the design of the big and expensive bits of kit that make the oil and gas world go around.

Needless to say, Coleman has emerged a true believer in the game-changing potential of artificial intelligence for his business. The Woodside managing director was, for example, an early apostle of the potential of IBM's cognitive supercomputer Watson. The idea there is captured best by the observation that Woodside people taught Watson how to be an engineer and now it is doing the work of 1000 technicians.

With that test passed, Watson has since become expert in Woodside HR, legal affairs and exploration.

Last year, Woodside said that just the speed of data flow from Watson was saving $10 million annually in management time. But Coleman went further in addressing IBM's World of Watson convention in Las Vegas. And no, once again, not kidding. This cloud-fest was attended by more than 20,000 people and an estimated 2000 of them attended Coleman's contribution.

Massive savings potential

He explained that cognitive computing had the potential to release massive and material savings for an oil industry that so often failed to record the lessons of projects past, let alone develop the capacity to understand effectively disseminate them.

To explain the business case for a growing collection of Watson-based projects, Coleman recalled a conversation with his executive committee where he asked them to recall just five of the 8000 lessons accumulated by the team that had built Woodside's $15 billion Pluto LNG project.

"You could see the shuffling in the seats," he told the IBM crowd. "This is only two years after the project was complete.

"We could not consistently give five in our executive team. If we can't give five, how in the heck do we think the rest of the organisation's going to do it? And so we said, 'there's the business case'."

Woodside's growing passion for innovation is not limited to the freedoms of cloud technologies. Late last year Coleman flagged the potential of LNG to be an alternative fuel for the world's fleet of bulk carriers on the back of the International Maritime Organisation decision to restrict the sulphur content of marine fuels from 2020. Coleman noted that the most obvious starting point for the shift might be in the Pilbara where both iron ore and LNG are produced in massive amounts.

On Friday, Woodside announced that it had been joined by two Pilbara iron ore miners (Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton), one serious Japanese shipper (Mitsui OSK) and one Chinese engineering institute (Shanghai Merchant Design and Research Institute) in a joint industry project to study the commercial potential as LNG as a fuel for Cape sized bulk ore ships.

To round out the iron ore side of the Woodside initiative, we hear that the Pilbara's Third Force, Fortescue Metals Group, will also join the study group.

The attraction of LNG over diesel as a fuel for these boats is that it produced 25 per cent less carbon emission and absolutely no sulphur or other heavy particulates. The attraction of this potential new market for Woodside is that the creation of a so-called "Green Corridor" trade route between China and Australia would create a new 3 million tonnes a year market for LNG. And, patently, the producer best situated to feed that new market would be Woodside.

Powerful dividends

When the potentially costly stoush between Rio Tinto and the state-owned Queensland electricity generators became public nearly two weeks ago a senior Commonwealth officer told us to ponder the dividend flow between the state government and its machines of power.

"The Queensland government has been milking these assets for dividends in recent years," we were advised.

Just to refresh, the background here is Rio's Boyne Island smelter is moving to shut 8 per cent of its capacity because of recent massive spikes in the state's spot power price. Rio relies on spot markets for 15 per cent of the Boyne feed. Through mid-January the spot price peaked at nearly $14,000 a megawatt hour, five times passing through the $5000MWh trigger that requires formal review by the national energy regulator.

The way Rio sees it, these gymnastics are being driven by Stanwell, the state's second biggest generator. And, as Stanwell management revealed very promptly after Rio went public, the generator had been in discussions with Boyne management for more than a year over a term contract that would replace the smelter's spot exposure.

The generator insisted that Rio wanted an uncommercial power price and that management saw no reasons for a government-owned business or the people of Queensland to "subsidise the operations of a multinational company".

Fair enough.

But there is another side of this coin. Because, looked at through another prism, there might well be a case to be mounted that those Queenslanders who rely on spot pricing might well be subsidising the state.

Back in 2011, when the three state-owned generators became two, Stanwell made a net profit of $79.9 million. From that it paid a dividend to the government of $63.9 million and various state taxes of $25.6 million, bringing total payments of the exchequer to $89.5 million.

Move forward to FY16 and we have a business that made $161.6 million. From that it paid dividends of $311.6 million, a total that included a $150 million special dividend. After accounting for state taxes of $73 million, the state's share of income rose to $384.6 million.

The need to offer this sort of excessive support to its owners might well explain why Stanwell's debt has blown out by over $300 million since hitting a low of $521 million in FY13.