Cautious Future Fund's assets top $127 billion

The Future Fund's David Neal (left) and Peter Costello unveiled the fund's 2016 full year returns.
The Future Fund's David Neal (left) and Peter Costello unveiled the fund's 2016 full year returns. Wayne Taylor

The Future Fund's assets have topped $125 billion for the first time after the post US election surge in global equities helped the nation's sovereign wealth fund to a 2.4 per cent gain in the final quarter of 2016.

The fund, set up a decade ago to offset the Australian government's pension liabilities, hit $127.7 billion at December 31, from $60 million at inception, as the managers shifted some of their large cash pile into infrastructure, private equity and Australian equities.

While the fund had benefited from a surge in equities in the final quarter, Future Fund chair Peter Costello said "markets might have run in advance of actuality", amid hopes that US President Donald Trump would spend, build and cut taxes.

"They are anticipating a lot of investment and construction. Let's hope it happens but if it does happen it won't happen tomorrow."

The fund returned 7.8 per cent over calendar 2016, comfortably beating the 6 per cent target return – 4.5 per cent above official inflation – for the year, and 4 per cent in the December half year.

Over three years, the fund has returned 9.8 per cent per annum – easily beating the 6.1 per cent target – and since inception it has earned 7.7 per cent against a target of 6.9 per cent annually.

While global equity markets surged and bond rates backed up in the fourth quarter, Mr Costello pointed out that interest rates were still around historically low levels, an indication that growth, and investment returns would remain subdued.

"We do think on balance, looking forward it's a low return and risky environment and given the fact we have a mandate to avoid excessive risk that is weighing on our minds considerably."

The Future Fund managers reduced their cash balance from $27.49 billion at September 30, 2016, or 22.1 per cent of total assets, to $25.2 billion – 19.7 per cent of the total – and increased their infrastructure and timberland holdings from $8.2 billion to $10.1 billion.

Managing director David Neal said the fund's managers were content to position the portfolio "below a neutral risk setting" while targeting investment opportunities that "offer strong risk-adjusted returns".

"We are comfortable that our positioning is appropriate given the outlook for the investment environment and our belief that we should only take on risk where the potential rewards justify it," he said.

"Either yields don't rise or they do to something normal and you take a capital loss. It's a reasonable mechanical calculation when you start from a position of low yields," Mr Neal said.

In a briefing following the performance update, Mr Costello said there was pressure on incomes and consumption in Australia, but the positive is that a recovery in commodity prices.

"You do still have a lot of the Australian economy geared to the property cycle but one of the strengthening things is that all of that investment that went into mining at the peak of the boom has turned out into extra capacity and is going to give us more strength in the economy as it flows into production at quite decent prices."