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Facebook Custom Audiences

Custom Audiences

Reach your customers and contacts on Facebook.

Create a Custom Audience

Three powerful sources for building Custom Audiences

Custom Audiences are built from customer data you already have on hand—or can easily get—making it easy to reconnect with the people who have already shown interest in your business.

Build a custom audience from a contact list

Find your leads and customers on Facebook

With data from your CRM system or customer contact lists—like phone numbers or email addresses—you can connect with your customers and contacts on Facebook.

Get website visitors in your custom audience

Connect with your website visitors

Using the Facebook Pixel—a snippet of code you install on your website—you can create a Custom Audience of people who have visited your website. You can even use the website traffic data to show people ads for things they’ve shown interest in on your website.

Get mobile app users in your custom audience

Reach the people who use your app

The Facebook SDK—a snippet of code you install in your app—lets you create a Custom Audience of people who use your app, so you can inspire them to return to a game or view an item that they may be interested in buying.


Find people similar to your customers

You can also find people on Facebook who are likely to become customers by creating a Lookalike Audience. Lookalike Audiences find people similar to the ones you're already connected to, like your customers or people in a Custom Audience.

Learn more about Lookalike Audiences

Additional resources

Marketing Partners

Get expert help building audiences from a Facebook Marketing Partner or an Instagram Partner.

Connect with your customers and contacts on Facebook today.

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