
Success Story

Boxing up style for new customers

The online fashion brand used a unique targeting strategy to reach and acquire new customers—a plan that contributed to a 6X increase in the business’s year-over-year growth.
  • 5X increase in the number of completed Bento Surveys
  • 81% increase in new customer acquisition
  • 6X year-over-year growth

Their Story

Designing work wardrobes

MM.LaFleur makes clothing for professional women. The company, which designs and manufactures its own line, is most famous for its Bento Box, a set of office-ready staples it selects for customers based on their response to a short survey.

Their Goal

Awareness and acquisitions

The brand was primarily looking to gain new customers, increase the overall awareness of its Bento Box, and increase interest in its other shopping options, which match customers with a stylist for personalized help.
Creating an advertising and targeting strategy for a new brand is difficult for a marketer under the best of circumstances. Facebook’s incredible depth of data—demo/ethnographic, along with response and behavior information—really helped us to break into the e-retail market, reaching an unprecedented audience size.
Maria E Martyak, Digital Strategist/Digital Marketing Manager, MM.LaFleur

Their Solution

Testing for the best ads

MM.LaFleur used link ads on desktop and mobile News Feeds in 2 phases: an initial 8-week campaign and a second ongoing phase. Based on what had worked in past campaigns, MM.LaFleur chose creative that featured women of all ethnicities who were older than typical models and dressed in professional attire. The retailer updated the creative based on feedback and engagement rates, which increased the number of clicks and conversions in each ad set.
Wanting to reach people most likely to be interested, the company created a Custom Audience of people who had either completed a checkout or completed a Bento Box survey within the previous 90 days. The company then created a one percent lookalike audience based on this original, further layering in additional demographic targets: college-educated women aged 27–55, living in the US, with annual earnings of more than $75,000 and who work in legal, finance, management, consulting, government, and academia. MM.LaFleur targeted this highly specific audience because they not only looked like past purchasers, but also showed intent to buy.
By testing different calls to action, the company discovered that “Learn More” drove more people to the brand’s website than “Book Now”.

Their Success

Essentials for success

As a young but quickly growing brand, MM.LaFleur used a unique and highly focused targeting strategy to reach the audience most likely to convert. The campaign, which began in February 2016, resulted in:
  • 5X increase in the number of completed Bento Surveys compared to previous campaigns
  • 81% increase in new customer acquisition compared to other campaigns
  • 6X year-over-year growth in overall company
From a marketing perspective, I was really excited to discover a new approach to targeting: one that didn’t rely on conventional methods. That really helped us drive new customer acquisition at a much larger scale and rate than ever before. Months of testing culminated in a campaign that really took off overnight. It was incredibly rewarding.
Maria E Martyak, Digital Strategist/Digital Marketing Manager, MM.LaFleur