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Published onJanuary 30, 2017

The Top Line: All the Best Facebook Business News from January

2017 is off to a strong start here at Facebook—from Instagram improvements and Audience Network milestones, to new industry research and so much more. Here's a short list of highlights to help you start the new year in the know.
Published onJanuary 30, 2017

4 Consumer Electronics Trends that Matter for Marketers in 2017

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) takes an annual pulse of the device world, providing a first look at the new ways people are interacting with information. Many of the themes that dominated at CES have been trending here at Facebook Business—over the past year, we've invested in big bets like augmented reality, video optimization, and improved content quality. Below, marketing expert Shauna Sweeney shares the biggest trends to pay attention to in 2017, and how you can tap into their potential with Facebook.
Published onJanuary 12, 2017

Businesses Can Now Connect with Over 1 Billion People Through Audience Network

We developed Facebook Audience Network with the goal of creating better advertising experiences on the Internet. Since its launch in October 2014, Audience Network has helped Facebook advertisers around the world create lasting connections with people, extend the reach of their campaigns and hit their marketing goals.
Published onJanuary 9, 2017

Bringing Business Insights and Ads to Instagram Stories

In the five months since it launched, Instagram stories has grown considerably. Now, more than 150 million Instagrammers use it daily. And stories is contributing to more content and engagement. In fact, one in five stories on Instagram gets a direct message from its viewers. And when it comes to stories from businesses, people are highly engaged. People and businesses have been discovering each other since the beginning—with 70% of Instagrammers following a business— so it’s no surprise that one-third of the most viewed stories are from businesses.1
The momentum for stories from businesses is clear, so today we're unveiling tools that inform ephemeral interaction between people and businesses—stories insights in Business Tools, and full screen ads in stories.
Visit Instagram Business to learn more.
Published onDecember 19, 2016

Master Moderation on Your Facebook Page

Your Facebook Page is a representation of your business and an important place for your customers to ask questions and share experiences. And just like with face-to-face contact in a store, friendly, helpful customer service and positive experiences on your Page matter to your business’ success. That’s why we want to make it easy for you to manage interactions on your Pages during the busy holiday season, and provide a better understanding of what's available so you can use those controls to manage your business' presence.
Over the years we’ve created several ways that businesses can maintain a safe and friendly environment for your customers, and today, we’re providing a quick guide to moderation on your Page. This overview includes tips for Page owners and admins on how to report, block and prevent abusive activity, respond and manage comments, and moderate and post important content.
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Published onDecember 9, 2016

Metrics FYI: Estimated Reach, Streaming Reactions, and Graph API

Update as of 12/16/16: We've uncovered an issue for a small group of Instant Articles publishers that impacts reporting in comScore. comScore alerted us to the issue, and we’ve since identified this is a result of a recent Facebook update that impacted publishers using our legacy comScore integration who support HTTPS on their websites. This caused an underreporting of iPhone traffic from Facebook in comScore products between Sep 20 to Nov 30, 2016. iPad and Android traffic were not affected. We have fixed the issue and are working with comScore to produce updated estimates for the relevant time periods for the small group of partners affected. We have reached out to affected publishers.
We know how important it is to be open about meaningful updates we make to our metrics, so we’ve created this channel for regular information on metrics enhancements. This series will be similar to our News Feed FYI series.
Below is the next post in our Metrics FYI series.
Published onDecember 8, 2016

Celebrating a Year of Lead Ads—Where They've Been and What's Next

Mobile is no longer a trend—it's an integral part of everyday life, and no other device is so ingrained in consumer behavior. On average, people in the US spend three hours a day on their mobile devices, and 87% of that time is spent in apps. 1
People are engaging so frequently because of mobile's highly personal nature. From social media to finance, apps provide content that's tailored to unique personalities and preferences.
With this rise in mobile usage, marketers have an unprecedented opportunity to connect with consumers in a personal way that builds intent and interest.
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