Conversion Lift shows the impact of Facebook Ads

From online to in-store sales, Conversion Lift offers a clear, easy way to see just how much business your Facebook ads drive.

The cross-device challenge

People have more devices and content choices than ever, so it’s increasingly hard for marketers to understand which ads influence their customers.
Facebook offers a way to reach people across smartphones, tablets, and computers—and a way to link the ads they see to the conversions you track, both online and offline.
Because we know people—and have a platform where people are their real selves across devices—we can help you see the impact of your ads, regardless of where conversions happen.

How Conversion Lift works

When you run a Facebook campaign, Conversion Lift randomizes and splits your ad audience into two groups—one that sees your Facebook ads, and another that doesn’t.
As your campaign progresses, you can share your conversion data with Facebook, whether it happens online, offline, or in your mobile app.
We’ll calculate the lift—the additional business you captured—by comparing conversions in the group that saw your ads and the one that didn’t, and make the results available to you in Ads Manager.

See results, so you can take action

Conversion Lift shows you how much additional business you capture because of Facebook Ads.
And when you understand the added value of Facebook Ads in your campaigns, you can:
  • Try different marketing tactics. Not only can you see a lift when people view Facebook Ads, but you can also use Conversion Lift to see what resonates with your audience—like if video ads work better than link ads.
  • Make informed budgeting decisions, so you can put budget toward effective ads.
  • Optimize your Facebook campaigns to be even more effective.
  • Getting started with Conversion Lift

    Talk with your account representative to make sure you are set up to start using Conversion Lift.
    To use Conversion Lift, you’ll need:
  • A campaign that isn’t live yet, and will have sufficient statistical power for meaningful and accurate results.
  • Accessible conversion data—either through a Facebook pixel, or email addresses or phone numbers for offline conversions.