Major new commitments were made by the Obama administration in July at a NATO summit.

Some European citizens are also banned from entering the U.S. under Trump’s new order.

The petition question is now on Parliament’s agenda amid the furor over Trump’s travel ban order.

The winner was Benoît Hamon, a former education minister.

Featured in the 2016 film “A German Life,” she was perhaps the last living member of the Nazi hierarchy’s most intimate staff.

A 28-year-old Israeli transplant to Berlin is shaming people who don’t take the memorial seriously enough.

The poor conditions have highlighted Europe’s ongoing challenge to address the crisis.

  • Annabell Van den Berghe
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  • 2 days ago
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Reports that Fillon’s wife received over $530,000 in public funds for parliamentary jobs she never did could derail the conservative front-runner’s campaign.

The president will talk with the allied leaders Saturday as fears of a rift with Europe mount.

Britain’s prime minister lobbied hard to be the first world leader to meet President Trump.

The surprise choice of Martin Schulz seeks to cut into the lead of the Christian Democrats ahead of the September elections.

“You can be a destructive force or you can try to resolve conflicts,” a Russian analyst said. “The first is simpler.”

The ruling creates a potential hurdle for Prime Minister Theresa May as she works to break from the E.U.

Voters may turn against nation’s center-left establishment in contest widely expected to shape course of a troubled Europe.

How one country is trying to fight back against pro-Russian disinformation by deploying a fake news truth squad.

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