The new U.S. defense secretary will visit South Korea and Japan on his first foreign trip.

Japan is grappling with a demographic time bomb and a continued wariness of outsiders.

The former warlord is defying law and refuses to leave his armed compound.

In the phone call with India’s prime minister, Trump called the country a “true friend and partner.”

Top defector describes in an interview his disappointment with Kim Jong Un, his fears for his children.

Ban’s image has lost some of its luster amid missteps and allegations of corruption in his family.

Many say U.S. troops are needed to stop the Taliban, but also want them out.

Blast in Shiite community blamed on hard-line Sunni militants

  • Haq Nawaz Khan
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  • Jan 21
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A protest leader’s continued detention without trial has triggered accusations that Japanese authorities are trying to silence him.

He translates the American political idiom for 800,000 social-media followers.

The Taliban denied responsibility for the blast that killed five Arab diplomats in Kandahar.

The decision is a blow to prosecutors looking into allegations of bribery at the highest levels.

As Xi Jinping defends globalization in Davos, U.S. firms in his country feel shortchanged.

The most complex and expensive search in aviation history has ended in failure. 

He was a onetime Wall Street banker who became an outspoken Chinese dissident.

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