Canadian authorities call the assault that killed six a terrorist act.

As Bernard Aronson’s special State Department mandate ends, there is no sign he’ll be replaced.

Mexicans are debating how to respond to a possible coming trade war.

President Enrique Peña Nieto had canceled a trip to Washington scheduled for next week due to rising tensions over Trump’s plan for a border wall.

The decision comes a day after Trump signed an executive order to start building a wall along the Mexican border.

The protest drew fewer than expected, a sign of fear and frustration.

  • Sofia Barbarani
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  • Jan 23
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In a foreign policy speech, President Enrique Peña Nieto vowed to defend Mexico’s “national interests” in the face of Trump’s “new vision.”

What this 27-year-old lacks in experience, he makes up for in Trump-scale ambition.

The notorious kingpin has been wanted in the United States for drug trafficking and other crimes.

Trudeau’s aides reached out to the Trump team as fears grew about protectionism.

  • Alan Freeman
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  • Jan 19
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Hundreds of people requesting asylum are caught in bureaucratic limbo, lawyers warned.

The building was plagued by construction delays and lawsuits.

  • Alan Freeman
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  • Jan 12
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Foreign Minister Videgaray says Mexico will open a dialogue but defend its sovereignty

Luis Videgaray was the Mexican government’s channel to the Trump campaign.

The accord with FARC rebels promises rule of law. But leftists and activists say they’re being targeted for assassination.

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