Regarding the Jan. 28 front-page article “Trump suspends refugee entry, vows priority for Christians”: I am appalled by what I see happening under this administration. To limit the refuge we offer...

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Former House speaker Newt Gingrich has embraced the world of alternative facts if he believes what he wrote in his Jan. 27 op-ed, “Thatcher, not Reagan, is the right model for Trump.” Former British...

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George F. Will presented a very convincing story in “The ‘protection’ racket” [op-ed, Jan. 26] of how economic destruction, now and in the past, can lead to greater productivity and stronger economi...

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Regarding the Jan. 25 news article “Trump orders acceleration of environmental reviews”: The Environmental Protection Agency was established in 1970 with overwhelming support. The agency and the le...

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Regarding Colbert I. King’s Jan. 28 op-ed, “Do unto Congress as Rubio wants to do to D.C.”: We are products of nature and experiences, and thus Mr. King’s view on gun rights is defensible. But at so...

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In her Jan. 25 letter, “This is why antiabortion marchers were not welcome,” Barbara Elisse Najar said she would “break it down” for Aimee Murphy, the pro-life feminist who was disappointed she was...

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Regarding the Jan. 25 news article “False voter-fraud claim is ‘long-standing belief’ of Trump”: If there were 3 million to 5 million illegal votes in this election, the Supreme Court must invalida...

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If the president is open to taking the advice in Todd Stern’s Jan. 25 op-ed, “The deal of the century on climate,” he should do so by pursuing the one option that would also help him deliver on ta...

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Regarding the Jan. 28 front-page article “GOP lawmakers fret over repeal of Obamacare”: I suppose we should be glad that Republicans in Congress are aware of the complexities involved in replacing the...

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President Trump’s effort to force law enforcement agencies in “sanctuary” cities to become adjuncts of federal immigration authorities has a clear precedent [“D.C. plan to assist immigrants questioned...

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The Jan. 24 editorial “Mr. Trump’s heartless fee hike? Not quite.” highlighted the inequities of government insurance programs intended to benefit the less-affluent segments of our society when co...

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I enjoyed reading Peter Marks’s account of life backstage at “The Front Page” [“Places, please!,” Arts & Style, Jan. 15]. I worked on props for plays and musicals while in college and later voluntee...

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In his otherwise-excellent Jan. 16 op-ed, “The essence of narcissism,” Michael Gerson trivialized the Civil War as being about “regional differences.” The Civil War was fought between one side that...

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In her Jan. 16 Style review, “A breath of fresh air in form bound by tradition,” Anne Midgette wrote, “Book lovers, as a rule, do not shy away from a new novel because it is not likely to be as grea...

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Nepal is the birthplace of Buddhism, not India. I was surprised to read in the Jan. 14 news article “Hundreds of Tibetans defy China to gather in India” that some consider Bodh Gaya, India, the birt...

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I saw three arrays of photographs in the A section on Jan. 15; one was captioned “counterclockwise,” and two were captioned “clockwise.” I have previously seen arrays in The Post with multiple shots...

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In his Jan. 15 letter, “Mr. Trump makes the news,” Ron Bashian claimed that President Trump has a “ ‘show me’ attitude,” an expression usually reserved for those skeptical thinkers who demand evidence...

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Regarding the Jan. 21 Free for All letter “Next time, use ‘weakened’ instead”: Allison Cox must have brass ovaries to try to rid The Post of the word “emasculate.” The usage is accepted and no differe...

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Jim Bendat’s excellent, edifying Jan. 15 Outlook essay, “Five Myths: Inaugurations,” omitted an interesting and significant fact. After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, then-V...

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The Jan. 16 Style article “The man who showed us no two snowflakes are alike ” described the perfect combination of nature’s glory and human persistence. I am grateful that Wilson Bentley shared his...

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