The White House said Sally Yates has ‘betrayed’ the Justice Department.

(Evelyn Hockstein / For The Washington Post)

Trump fires acting attorney general Sally Yates

After acting attorney general Sally Yates issued a memo on Jan. 30, for Justice Department lawyers not to defend President Trump's immigration order, he "relieved Ms. Yates of her duties," according to a White House statement.

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After the travel ban, Democrats all but abandon their promise to find common ground with the new president.

The latest from Trump's new administration.

Whip Count: Here’s where Republicans stand on Trump’s controversial travel ban

Dozens have expressed reservations or outright opposition.

If you’re a Democrat, these 3 charts should really worry you

The healthy party in this country is the Republican Party.

Sean Spicer is talking about President Trump’s audience size again

Spicer's numbers require constant fact-checking.

‘I know that they said they talked with some staffers on the Hill — not in our office,’ said Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker.

Tensions emerged in the White House and on Capitol Hill following Trump’s immigration order

It was supposed to be the congressional Democrats' merger with the protest movements that had sprung up to pressure them, but at times, the event looked like an awkward mass marriage, marred by bad communication.

He said he would speak out “where I think our core values may be at stake.’

Executive order could undo Obama-era rule but might be nixed

Their son, a senior government official in Prince George’s County, is hoping to resolve their status before they are stranded in Saudi Arabia.

Jonathan B. Jarvis says history and “national policy” are often intertwined

Trump likes to cite a very small figure to minimize the impact of his travel ban. But that's highly misleading.

Attorney general nominee is the Trump administration’s “clearinghouse for policy and philosophy.”

White House press secretary Sean Spicer addressed the media on Jan. 30, three days after President Trump signed an executive order halting the flow of refugees to the United States.

The White House may have gotten ahead of the evidence.

As of Monday afternoon, no Democrat in either house of Congress had defended Trump's executive orders curtailing the refugee program and banning travel to the United States from seven largely Muslim countries.

Spicer would not say who wrote the statement.

Prepare for a busy couple of weeks.

Trump allies are hoping that America First Policies will serve as a powerful flanking operation, particularly in defending the president's upcoming Supreme Court pick.

The “dissent channel” memo says Trump's ban will not make the country safer.

Walker was part of a group of GOP state leaders who addressed a Koch network conference. Their common theme: President Trump should turn funding for domestic policies over to the states.

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