The Washington Post

After the travel ban, Democrats all but abandon their promise to find common ground with the new president.

The latest from Trump's new administration.

‘I know that they said they talked with some staffers on the Hill — not in our office,’ said Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker.

Prepare for a busy couple of weeks.

As of Monday afternoon, no Democrat in either house of Congress had defended Trump's executive orders curtailing the refugee program and banning travel to the United States from seven largely Muslim countries.

In just a few sentences, Trump seemed to be ditching a relationship he'd cultivated for years.

The ACLU's advice came as Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer was calling for Rex Tllerson, Trump's nominee for secretary of state, to answer questions on the executive orders.

EPA’s “regulatory overreach” would be much harder “if the agency is a lot smaller,” said Myron Ebell, the former head of President Trump’s EPA transition team

The latest from Trump's new administration.

Leading Republicans weigh in -- after public outcry and about 48 hours of deliberation.

The Ohio governor said Trump has “a right” to be concerned about immigrants but that his aides did not prepare properly for its rollout or aftermath.

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