Iraq’s parliament urged a reciprocal visa clampdown on Americans as a backlash spreads.

(Alexander Schippers / EPA)

Iraq’s parliament urged a reciprocal visa clampdown on Americans as a backlash spreads.

Resettlement agency fears some refugees are in such poor health they could die.

Canadian authorities call the assault that killed six a terrorist act.

After Trump sows chaos, Canada picks up the pieces

Canada can take the mantle of moral leadership from the U.S.

The U.S. closed its doors to some immigrants. Canada, hit by terror, opens its arms.

Canada's government is “offering temporary residence to any traveler who is stranded in Canada."

Donald Trump’s already complicated relationship with Saudi Arabia

A phone call between Trump and King Salman made no mention of immigration bans on Muslim-majority countries.

Six men were killed and at least 19 people were injured in the attack at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Center on Sunday.

The notion of mass violence in Canada always seems to surprise. But terror strikes on Canadians are not so rare, and the shooting at a Quebec City mosque this week is not the country's most deadly attack.

Major new commitments were made by the Obama administration in July at a NATO summit.

The new U.S. defense secretary will visit South Korea and Japan on his first foreign trip.

Some European citizens are also banned from entering the U.S. under Trump’s new order.

The petition question is now on Parliament’s agenda amid the furor over Trump’s travel ban order.

A Japanese photographer documents one man's life with his love doll.

As Bernard Aronson’s special State Department mandate ends, there is no sign he’ll be replaced.

"This masjid has witnessed a lot of issues before — threats and vandalism, and some Islamophobic graffiti,” Samer Majzoub, president of the Canadian Muslim Forum, said.

In social-media postings, Islamic State supporters claim proof for the notion that the U.S. is at war with Islam.

From Europe to the Middle East, politicians and clerics condemned the president’s move.

The winner was Benoît Hamon, a former education minister.

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The French Canadian university student charged with killing six Muslim men during evening prayers at a mosque was known for far-right, nationalist views and his support of the French rightist party led by Marine Le Pen.

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