Resettlement agency fears some refugees are in such poor health they could die.

Abdi Rizack, 32, left his home in Somalia when he was 7 and has lived in camps ever since.

The new policy could result in less funding for other health services such as neonatal care.

Yahya Jammeh lost the election in December to Adama Barrow, a little-known former real estate agent.

Yahya Jammeh lost an election last month, but resisted calls to leave office.

Yahya Jammeh’s term has officially ended, but he has appeared unwilling to cede power.

Militiamen were set to begin joint patrols with the army, a key part of nation’s elusive peace deal.

The area was a refuge for people fleeing Boko Haram militants.

Officers are sent home after abuse allegations, raising questions about the vetting process for those who serve in missions overseen by the United Nations.

Many Ethiopians are angry that the government hasn’t delivered promised reforms.

Demonstrations across the capital were met with a massive deployment of security forces.

Demonstrators are angry that the president will stay on beyond the official end of his term.

It was supposed to be the president’s last day in office. Instead, it could be a bloody day as Joseph Kabila clings to power.

The United Nations was slow to realize how the country’s conflict would explode, researchers say.

  • Jason Patinkin
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  • Dec 17
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The nation has been riveted by public testimony that is exposing the abuses of past governments.

  • Naveena Kottoor
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  • Dec 15
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