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ยท November 22, 2016
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When I need to know what's going on Jewel is across it.
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Video of my interview with Renae Lawrence inside Bangli prison #bali9
One of the most magical experiences of my life: visiting the orangutan sanctuary at Bukit Tigapuluh with Leif Cocks from The Orangutan Project. Leif is to orangutans what Dian Fossey was to gorillas.
This made my day: kids at a school in East Jakarta playing what one child proudly told us was called "putti" (Aussie Rules footy). Another favorite moment: we asked a boy if he knew who was visiting the school. (Health Minister Sussan Ley). "Yes," he said. "James."
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It is significant that mainstream Muslim organisation NU has criticised the police for providing security for Islamic hardliners trying to enforce the fatwa banning Muslims from wearing Xmas apparel such as Santa hats.

Indonesia's police are accused by mainstream Muslim groups of weakening the rule of law by providing security for hardliners at shopping centres.

A dramatic day in court for Sara Connor's murder trial.

The widow of the Bali police officer allegedly murdered on a Kuta beach has said she did not "want a dime" from suspect Sara Connor and in dramatic court scenes called for the Byron Bay woman to receive the maximum punishment.

On day one of his blasphemy trial, Jakarta Governor Ahok's voice trembled as he spoke lovingly of his Muslim godparents and said he would never insult Islam.

The embattled governor of Jakarta emotionally told his trial for blasphemy that his own godparents had been Muslims and it would not be possible for him to insult the religion.

Ahok and the rule of mobocracy. My analysis on fears the outcome of the blasphemy trial is a forgone conclusion.

High school students in Central Java were recently asked this question in a test: "What is the name of the current gubernatorial candidate who insulted the Koran?"

The spectre of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami continues to haunt the people of Aceh. Almost 23,000 people have been displaced in the December 7 earthquake, with some of them telling us they are too afraid to return to their homes.

The spectre of the Boxing Day tsunami haunts scarred communities in Aceh as the number of displaced from Wednesday's earthquake balloons to almost 23,000.

Yesterday I visited Pidie Jaya, the epicentre of Aceh's earthquake. Heartbreaking stories emerged from the rubble but as always Indonesians' incredible resilience was on display.

Villager Taufik Hidayat has seen a baby in the claws of an excavator and the corpses of a father and his son, still clinging to each other in death.

The latest ghastly news on earthquake in Aceh - at least 54 dead and toll rising as more bodies evacuated from flattened homes. Drugs, food and machinery needed.

At least 18 people have died and several more have been injured after shops and houses collapsed in the Indonesian province of Aceh after a 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck on Wednesday.

Who says the TPP is dead in the water? Not the Australian trade minister.

Australian Trade Minister Steven Ciobo has rejected assertions that the Trans-Pacific Partnership has collapsed, saying the incoming Trump administration needed more time to consider the pros and cons of the giant regional trade deal.

After seven years of inaction, the Indonesian government is starting to speak out on behalf of fishermen whose livelihoods and health it says were impacted by the disastrous 2009 Montara oil spill.

One of Indonesia's most senior ministers has called on Australia to help find a solution to the 2009 Montara oil spill which caused lasting negative impacts in one of the country's poorest provinces.

The latest on the treason arrests: activist Sri Bintang Pamungkas detained in custody over YouTube video

Jakarta: Police have revealed multiple Indonesians were arrested in predawn raids on Friday to prevent opponents of Indonesian President Joko Widodo trying to manipulate a giant protest rally into toppling the government.

My wrap of today's massive rally in Jakarta today calling for the arrest of the governor Ahok. The day was kicked off somewhat dramatically by the pre-dawn arrest of Megawati's sister and seven others on treason charges.

Thousands gather in Jakarta for the latest rally demanding the city's Chinese Christian governor be jailed for his alleged insult to the Koran.

Indonesia jittery again ahead of today's rally. All Jakarta Intercultural School campuses have been closed, as is my son's kinder. Hoaxes like this one only serve to further inflame tensions.

An incendiary fake news report distributed via Australia has added fuel to Indonesian jitters ahead of another huge demonstration on Friday.

"I don't even know why I'm here": Byron Bay murder suspect Sara Connor breaks her silence.

Byron Bay murder suspect Sara Connor has denied she was covered in blood when she tried to hail a motorcycle taxi to report her missing bag, saying the driver refused to pick her up because she didn't have any money.

The last place in the world where rhinos, elephants, tigers and orangutan coexist in the wild could be in jeopardy after a group of Aceh citizens lost a class action to protect the Leuser Ecosystem.

Activists warn the last place on Earth where elephants, tigers, rhinoceroses and orangutans coexist in the wild is in peril after a Jakarta court ruling.

Australian barrister Peter Strain said the indictment to a "large extent" supported Sara Connor's claims of innocence.

Byron Bay woman Sara Connor has again insisted she is innocent of all the charges made against her over the death of a Bali police officer.
Jewel Topsfield is the Indonesia correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.
Visitor Posts
  • Ecology is what all matter. If all the animal and the tree vanished,... people can't live alone. He will be vanishing too. They should co-existent with all the living things. See More
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  • First Wali Songo were Chinese Origin, who brought Islam into Java to... replace the then declining Buddhism Secondly, .With the decline and downfall of Islam worldwide, people should participate this trend carefully, not to eventually speeding it up the downfall. thirdly, the decline of the West and the rise of China, don't eventually miss this opportunity to rise Indonesia. See More
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  • If this is one of the reason for the speeding the downfall of Islam. We can understand it.
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PlacesJakarta, IndonesiaJewel Topsfield Fairfax Indonesia correspondent