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Candidate Confessional Podcast

This Congressman's Story Perfectly Illustrates GOP Obstructionism Of Obama

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 12.27.2016 | Politics

Even with President Barack Obama’s triumph on election night in 2008, Tom Perriello needed a recount to squeak out a victory in his House race. He e...

The Moment A Kid Named Obama Realized A Black President 'Can Happen'

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 05.16.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- In the winter of 1983, as he considered running for president in the Democratic primary, Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. didn’t see himself as ...

Jeb Bush's Campaign Shows Just How Insufferable Big Donors Can Be

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 12.27.2016 | Politics

The demands on politicians to raise money are notoriously awful. Candidates can spend upward of 40 hours a week just hitting the phones, a process tha...

Why Do Marylanders Keep Voting For White Men?

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 04.28.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- On Tuesday night, Maryland was once again offered the chance to back an African American seeking statewide office, and once again said n...

Why Clay Aiken Didn't Fully Embrace Being Gay Until The Day After His Campaign Ended

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 04.26.2016 | Politics

When he launched a long-shot, quixotic campaign for Congress, Clay Aiken held no illusions about how the public would perceive his sexuality. He was a...

Clay Aiken Is Still Plagued By Guilt Over His Primary Opponent's Death

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 04.26.2016 | Politics

Clay Aiken's congressional run in 2014 was never going to be a typical political affair. Not only was he a former "American Idol" and reality televisi...

That Time Martin O'Malley Held An Event And Only One Voter Showed

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 12.27.2016 | Politics

To understand how oddly personal the Iowa caucuses are -- how political campaigns and ordinary voters mix so deeply that it's impossible to sift them ...

No One Has Hated Campaigning More Than This Man

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 03.25.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- It took years to convince Richard Carmona to run for office. As he tells it in the latest episode of "Candidate Confessional," political...

Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Is In Grave Condition

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 03.18.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has been in the hospital in grave condition. For the past year and a half, Ford has battled an aggressiv...

How Newt Gingrich Conquered The Debates And What He'd Do About Donald Trump

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 03.07.2016 | Politics

In this balkanized media landscape, presidential campaigns have placed a premium on creating viral moments. A simple tweet or Instagram post from Dona...

This Congressman's Heart-Wrenching Defeat Proves That Politicians Are Actually Human

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 03.04.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- For nearly two months, we have given you a weekly episode of Candidate Confessional in which a recovering politician revisits a famous -...

A Senate Candidate Spills The Beans: Running A Positive Campaign Is For Suckers

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 03.01.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- There is a high-minded theory of politics, perpetuated by the melodramatic scripts of Aaron Sorkin, that campaigns really don't have to ...

This Congressman Proved Why Republicans Can Never Embrace Obamacare

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 12.19.2016 | Politics

In the fall of 2013, Rep. Jack Kingston committed political heresy. Speaking to a local conservative radio station, the then-Republican House member f...

How The Victim Of One Of History's Worst Political Hecklings Survived The Internet

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 02.22.2016 | Politics

Ben Konop wanted to be mayor of Toledo. Some guy in a Budweiser hat wanted him off his front yard. Together, they produced Internet gold. The setting ...

Top Black Republican: 'You Can't Be Black' When Running For Office

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 02.15.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- When he first started his 2006 Senate run in Maryland, Republican Lt. Gov. Michael Steele prepped his staff about the difficulties they ...

Former Presidential Candidate Laughed At The Idea Of A Super PAC, Then Lost Immediately

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 02.10.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- When he entered the 2012 race for president, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty shot out of the gate. He was the first substantial Republican c...

Wendy Davis Wants Women To Stand Up To Donald Trump's Horrifying Sexism

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 02.03.2016 | Politics

One of the most consequential moments of the Republican presidential primary happened to come during the first major debate, when Fox News' Megyn Kell...

Mitt Romney, Donald Trump And The Shifting Politics Of Personal Wealth

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 01.27.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- When he ran for president in 2012, Mitt Romney had hoped voters would see him as a chief executive who could boost the sluggish American...

Michele Bachmann Tells The Story Behind THAT Newsweek Cover

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 01.19.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- In the summer of 2011, then-Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) had improbably started to gain traction in her run for the Republican nomina...

Michele Bachmann Empathizes With The Sexist Crap Hillary Clinton Has To Endure

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 12.19.2016 | Politics

It may not be so readily apparent to the voter, but female candidates have to deal with substantially more bullshit when they run for public office th...

How Howard Dean Became The Grateful Dead Of The '04 Campaign

The Huffington Post | Jason Cherkis | Posted 01.15.2016 | Politics

WASHINGTON -- Everyone who followed the rise and fall of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean’s presidential campaign points to a single moment when it a...

Howard Dean Nearly Upended The Democratic Party 12 Years Ago. Then It All Fell Apart.

The Huffington Post | Sam Stein | Posted 12.19.2016 | Politics

More than a decade before anyone felt the Bern, Vermont Gov. Howard Dean created the modern outsider candidate with Internet savvy, grassroots organiz...