Fairfax Media Case Study: Audi A4

Audi partnered with Fairfax Media to increase awareness and drive consideration of the Audi A4 model through contextually targeted ad placements across Travel, Entertainment and Sport. The partnership proved to be successful, with shifts in persuasion metrics proving to be well above average when compared to Auto norms benchmarks.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. Increase awareness of the Audi A4 model.
  2. Increase drive and purchase consideration.
  3. Communicate key messages of sophisticated styling and design, power, fuel efficiency, sporty driving experience, innovative technology and luxury sedan market leader.

Campaign Period:

July 4 to August 15, 2012.

Target Audience:

Males 35-54 with household income of $100k+.

Research Methodology:

A simultaneous capture of control/exposed sample was employed with invitation to complete an online survey launched via site intercept methodology. (n=1,440)

Creative Execution:

The Audi A4 campaign was executed across Fairfax Metro’s digital network within Entertainment, Sport and Travel, supported by run of network and DRX behavioural targeted placements.

The Results:

  • Overall the campaign drove lifts in brand awareness of 4% points, brand favourability of 6% points and purchase intent for the Audi A4, as well as key messages around styling and design, sporty driving experience and luxury sedan market leader that increased significantly with 2+ exposures.
  • Behavioural targeted placements were more effective at moving unaided awareness and message association, while masthead contextual placements were more effective at driving favourability and intent.
  • Fairfax Sport was key in driving significant increases in brand awareness, favourability and purchase intent whereas exposure to the Audi A4 campaign on Fairfax Entertainment drove a significant increase in brand favourability and a strong lift in purchase intent.
  • Key messages around sophisticated styling and design resonated with Fairfax’s Sports audience, showcasing a significant lift of 20% points.
  • Exposure to the Audi A4 campaign on Fairfax showed significant increases in brand awareness, favourability and purchase intent.
Source: Dynamic Logic AdIndex Advertising Effectiveness Research Audi September 2012