This study explored attitudes and behaviour of the Fairfax Media audience toward Christmas retail. It focused on their sources of inspiration, planning and purchasing of gifts and food. Key themes in the research were about gifts and food being expressions of love and generosity, the importance of the experiential as well as material, and the importance of time spent with family and friends.  Some key findings were:

  • Aside from in-store, our audience seek Christmas gift idea inspiration from a range of print sources, from newspaper inserted magazines to gift guides inserted in the newspaper.
  • Christmas is a time of year that audiences are likely to be more indulgent, with more premium food and drink brands being purchased than any other time of year.
    A third of our audience are buying gifts for ten or more recipients - that is a lot of presents to put under the Christmas tree!
  • Gift planning starts in Oct, but gift-buying happens in December. In fact, 41% of our audiences leave their Christmas gift shopping until the week before Christmas.

To view the report highlights, click the link below