Australia Post MySmallBusiness Ad Effectiveness Study

Australia Post recently ran a campaign to help position themselves as a company that supports small businesses in starting or growing their online presence. This was achieved through a series of Brand Discover native advertising pieces that was supported with sponsorship display ads across the MySmallBusiness website

Campaign Objective:

  • To position Australia Post as a company that supports small businesses in starting or growing their online presence

Campaign Period:

October 2015 – February 2016

Research Methodology:
A simultaneous capture of control / exposed sample was employed, with both groups recruited via a one question survey on the site (Total sample; n=631. Control: n=347, Exposed: n=284)


  • Overall, the campaign successfully helped to position Australia Post as a company that supports small businesses in starting or growing their online presence; those exposed to the campaign experienced a significant lift of 48% in brand sentiment.
  • Of particular strength was the use of Brand Discover native articles, which resonated extremely well with this audience and drove significant uplifts of up to 89% in brand sentiment.
  • It is no surprise that the engaging format of native advertising resonated with this audience; a recent study on the MySmallBusiness website uncovered that over half (57%) of the readers agree that ‘longer in-depth articles’ are their favourite style of content^.
Source: Advertising Effectiveness Research, February 2016. ^Fairfax Media MySmallBusiness Survey, November 2015 (n=2,335)