Red & Green & Read

Ecosocialist resources, October 2015

Green GlobeEcosocialist Resources, published monthly (more or less) in Climate & Capitalism, links to articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to our mission. If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

All previous Ecosocialist Resources columns are available here.

Method in Ecological Marxism: Science and the struggle for change
Hannah Holleman / Monthly Review

Naomi Klein talks about capitalism vs. the climate
Interview by Christopher Wright / Climate, People & Organizations

What went right? Why Shell lost its bet in the Arctic
Hannah McKinnon / Oil Change International

The oil-sands glut is about to get a lot bigger
Jeremy van Loon / Bloomberg Business

New map reveals ‘astronomical’ scale of human impact on forests
Robert McSweeney / The Carbon Brief

How financial markets are shaping the biosphere
Victor Galaz / Resilience Science

Honeybees are facing a global threat, and if they go, so do we
Reynard Loki / AlterNet


Posted in Ecosoc resources, Ecosocialism, Marxist Ecology

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