Ecosocialist resources, August 2015

green socialistEcosocialist Resources, published monthly (more or less) in Climate & Capitalism, links to articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to our mission. If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

All previous Ecosocialist Resources columns are available here.

Sacrifice along the energy continuum: A Call for energy justice
Diana Hernández / Environmental Justice (free access until Sept. 21)

As 2015 smashes temperature records, it’s hotter than you think
David Spratt / Climate Code Red

Islamic declaration on global climate change
International Islamic Climate Change Symposium, August 2015

Against Deep Green Resistance
Michelle Renée Matisons and Alexander Reid Ross / Counterpunch

The Anthropocene. The human era and how it shapes our planet
Elaine Graham-Leigh / Counterfire

The environmental impacts of exporting crude oil
Matt Lee-Ashley and Alison Cassady / Center for American Progress

Peter Singer’s race problem
The false equivalence of racism and ‘speciesism’
Sarah Grey and Joe Cleffie / Jacobin

Québec solidaire leader: Make climate change the central issue in Canadian election
Amir Khadir / Life on the Left


Posted in Canada & Quebec, Climate Change, Ecosoc resources, Energy, Movement Building, Oil, Oil Industry

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