Ecosocialist resources, May 2015

Ecosocialist Resources, published monthly in Climate & Capitalism, links to articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to our mission. Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says. If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

All previous Ecosocialist Resources columns are available here.

Interview with Venezuelan Minister of Ecosocialism, Guillermo Barreto
Venezuelan Analysis / Ciudad CCS

The foundations of revolutionary eco-socialism
Daniel Tanuro, International Viewpoint

Interview with Hugo Blanco: From indigenous struggle to ecosocialism
Quincy Saul, Counterpunch

Dissecting the failure of Soviet ‘socialism’
John Riddell

The biodiversity crisis and the environmentalist left
Alan Thornett, International Viewpoint

19 reasons why the world is missing the 2C climate change limit
Simon Evans, The Carbon Brief

The most dangerous book I have ever written
David Harvey

How will climate change affect the world food system?
Timothy Thomas, International Food Policy Research Institute

Reviving the ocean economy (pdf)
World Wide Fund for Nature

Amazon deforestation takes a turn for the worse
Richard Schiffman, Scientific American

How climate protection has become today’s labor solidarity
Jeremy Brecher, The Nation

Santa Barbara disaster inevitable with Big Oil’s capture of the regulatory apparatus
Dan Bacher, Daily Kos

Posted in Biodiversity, Ecosoc resources, Ecosocialism, Food and Farming, Forests, Labor movement, Latin America, Marxist theory, Oceans

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