Ecosocialist resources, 75

Capitalism Killing PlanetEcosocialist Resources, published at irregular intervals in Climate & Capitalism, links to articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to our mission and goals. Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says. If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

All previous Ecosocialist Resources columns are available here.

Greece: Syriza can show ‘another energy is possible’
Syriza’s existing programmatic commitments to work towards “the development of a new paradigm of social, environmental and economic development,” and the need to build a public sector of a “new type” could transform energy and climate politics in the EU and beyond.
Sean Sweeney
Trade Unions for Energy Democracy

Grabbing Africa’s seeds
The Gates Foundation and USAID are driving agribusiness-friendly seed regulations and policies that exclude and marginalize the small farmers whose seeds and labour feed the continent.
Stephen Greenberg & Oliver Tickell

After Cyclone Pam: Climate action is urgent
Cyclone Pam hit traditionally cyclone-prone areas, but the level of destruction was unlike anything previously experienced by these communities. Once again the world’s poorest people are suffering the effects of climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions which they played no role in producing.
Tony Iltis
Green Left Weekly

Desertec: The renewable energy grab?
Energy schemes that don’t benefit the people where the energy is extracted, that serve to prop up authoritarian and repressive regimes or only enrich a tiny minority of voracious elites and transnationals are scandalous and must be resisted.
Hamza Hamouchene
New Internationalist

Posted in Africa, Ecosoc resources, Energy, Europe, Extreme weather, Food and Farming

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