
Tony Moore

Tony Moore is a senior reporter for brisbanetimes.com.au.

Gold Coast Deputy Mayor Donna Gates.

Deputy Mayor votes on her donors' developments

The Gold Coast's deputy mayor remained in a Gold Coast City Council meeting and voted on three issues when she personally received electoral donations from consultants to those developments at the 2016 Gold Coast City Council election.

University of Queensland Vice Chancellor Professor Peter Hoj

'Don't cut uni research to fund NDIS': UQ vice chancellor

It is a mistake to take research money from universities to fund gaps in the National Disabilities Insurance Scheme, the new chairman of Australia's high-profile Universities of Eight research body, Queenslander Professor Peter Hoj said this week.

Suncorp Stadium could host the biggest boxing bout of the year.

Palaszczuk, Pitt meeting to decide if Brisbane to host boxing event of year

Meetings with Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Sports Minister Curtis Pitt on Tuesday week will decide if a Brisbane boy bullied at school to take up boxing can fight the world's ruling welterweight champion in front of 50,000 people at Suncorp Stadium and become the world's new welterweight champion.