Risultati della ricerca
  1. 30 gen

    Malcolm E D I O C R E

  2. 30 gen

    This specimen is unfit for high office Brandis to face Senate grilling on Bell Group

  3. 14 ore fa

    The myth that its Labor's debt is Busted

  4. 16 ore fa
  5. 18 ore fa


  6. Turnbull attempting to blackmail the Senate: give big biz tax cuts in order to get childcare funding. It's Fake Maths gone made

  7. 2 ore fa

    Mosley's fascists wore black shirts. Hitler's wore brown. 's wear red hats.

  8. 2 ore fa

    What absolute garbage . It's coal/gas subsidies that are putting prices up. Solar reduces them.

  9. 4 ore fa

    Prince Charles: Holocaust lessons being forgotten (Undoubtedly correct & silence is complicity ) via

  10. 12 ore fa

    . doesn't think Australia is a great country. As the bogans say George, if you don't love it, leave.

  11. 13 ore fa

    Australia is sadly well on the way with 13 out of 14 of these warning signs of fascism

  12. 13 ore fa

    Tomorrow at 9am - seven months after the election - we'll finally find out how much money Malcolm Turnbull donated to the Liberals.

  13. 17 ore fa

    FFS. Does ANYONE seriously believe that the invertebrate gave frank & fearless advice in private??

  14. 17 ore fa

    Please Retweet if you're good too. End &

  15. 17 ore fa

    Turnbull has a dream......"sorry Cory, we can't let you back in".

  16. 18 ore fa

    Don't like his chances with this slogan. Spent force.

  17. 21 ore fa

    In USA, the AG gets sacked for doing her job well. In Australia, the incompetent AG is rewarded with a cushy o/s posting.

  18. AG Brandis: a proper goose, in full bottom wig at High Court swearing in Chief Justice Kiefel. No judges in wigs

  19. 30 gen

    Mt: "My job was to 'become' the Prime Minister, not 'be' the Prime Minister".

  20. 30 gen

    . is calling for a Royal Commission into whether Islam is a religion or a political ideology.

    .@PaulineHansonOz is calling for a royal commission into whether Islam is a religion or an ideology. - @SkyNewsAust

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